Calls for input
Call for input (Open)
Call for public inputs archives
- Call for public input on the updated revised report from the experts on the “Default values for fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB)”, (21 June 2024 to 9 August 2024, 23:59 CEST)
- Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the 122nd meeting of the CDM Executive Board"(29 to 31 May 2024, 23:59 CEST)
- Focused call for public inputs on a possible revision of "ACM0002: Grid connected electricity generation from renewable sources" in relation to additionality demonstration for grid connected electricity generation activities" (25 March to 22 April 2024, 23:59 CEST)
- Call for public input on the revision of the small-scale methodology “AMS-I.L.: Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy (ver. 05.0)”, (4 to 18 March 2024, 23:59 CEST).
- Call for public input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the 121st meeting of the CDM Executive Board" (7 to 14 March 2024, 23:59 (CEST).
Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AM0046: Distribution of efficient light bulbs to households", (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST)
Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AM0113: Distribution of Efficient lamps to households", (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST)
Call for public input on the revision of the methodological tool “TOO27: Investment analysis", (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST)
Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AMS-II.C.: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies” (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST)
Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AMS-II.J.: Demand-side activities for efficient lighting technologies” (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST)
Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AMS-III.AR.: Substituting fossil fuel-based lighting with more efficient lighting systems", (17 to 31 October 2023, 23:59 CEST) -
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the 115th meeting of the CDM Executive Board" (23 August to 2 September 2022, 24:00 GMT) - **EXTENDED UNTIL 2 SEPTEMBER 2022**
+ Call for public input on the revision of the methodology “AMS-I.I.: Biogas/biomass thermal applications for households/small users”, (21 February to 7 March 2022, 23:59 CEST)
+ Call for public input on the revision of the methodology "ACM0003: Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture", (6 July to 20 July 2020, 23:59 CEST)
+ Call for public input on the revision of the methodology "AMS-II.E: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings", (3 to 17 March 2020, 23:59 CEST) - EXTENDED TO 1 APRIL 2020!
+ Call for input on the Information Note “Draft framework for the development of a tool or guidelines to determine standardized baselines (SBLs) for energy efficiency in residential, commercial and institutional buildings”. (24 October to 7 November 2017, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the Information Note “Draft Framework: Development of new top-down methodology for the efficient operation of public transportation system”. (24 October to 7 November 2017, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the methodology AMS-III.AK “Biodiesel production and use for transport applications”.
(24 October to 7 November 2017, 24:00 GMT)+ Call for input on the methodology AMS-I.H “Biodiesel production and use for energy generation in stationary applications”. (24 October to 7 November 2017, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the tool “Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activities” (TOOL21).
(24 October to 7 November 2017, 24:00 GMT)+ Call for input on the “Tool to calculate baseline, project and leakage emissions from the use of refrigerants” (7 April to 21 April 2017, 24:00 GMT) - EXTENDED TO 5 MAY 2017!
+ Call for input on the “Methodological Framework: Development of new top-down methodology for 2-3 wheeled personal transportation, including infra-structure for bicycles, e-bikes and tricycles” (7 April to 21 April 2017, 24:00 GMT) - EXTENDED TO 5 MAY 2017!
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the ninety-fourth meeting of the CDM Executive Board" (19 to 26 April 2017, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft new consolidated methodology "ACM00XX: Fossil fuel based cogeneration for identified recipient facility(ies)" (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas" (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0012: Waste energy recovery" (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft revision of methodological tool "Tool to determine the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems" (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft revision of methodological tools “Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption” and “Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream” (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the information note: Analysis and proposals on the revision of "Tool to calculate emission factor of electricity system" (10 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft new top-down methodology "SSC_xx: Solar power for at-gate-aircraft" (11 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology "AMS-III.D: Methane recovery in animal manure management systems" (11 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology "AMS-III.H: Methane recovery in wastewater treatment" (11 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the standard “Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities” (11 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the guideline “Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities” (11 July to 8 August 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology "AMS-II.G: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass" (12 to 27 May 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology "AMS-III.AH: Shift from high carbon intensive fuel mix ratio to low carbon intensive fuel mix ratio" (1 April to 12 May 2015, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft revision of methodological tool "Emissions from solid waste disposal sites" (7 to 22 November 2014, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on deliverables of the EB to the CMP (12 to 21 September 2014, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the seventy-ninth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes" (14 to 21 May 2014, 24:00 GMT)
+Call for inputs on draft revised Project Standard (PS), Validation and Verification Standard (VVS) and Project Cycle Procedure (PCP) (2 to 22 April 2014, 24:00 GMT) -
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the seventieth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(06 - 11 November 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the "Draft guidelines for determination of baseline and additionality thresholds for standardized baselines using the performance-penetration approach"(26 September 2012 to 16 October 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on the draft "Procedure for the development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools" (26 September to 23 October 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for inputs on Project Standard (PS), Validation and Verification Standard (VVS) and Project Cycle Procedure (PCP) (24 September to 23 October 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-ninth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes" (27 August to 2 September 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on the "concept note on database for the cost and efficiency of technologies" (6 - 19 August 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for input on the draft new methodology SSC-III.BE "Substitution of virgin raw materials and fuels by secondary materials recovered from scrap tires"(23 July to 22 August 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on the draft revision of the methodology AMS-II.E "Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings" (23 July to 22 August 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for inputs on standardized approaches for determining baselines for measure(s) (23 July 2012 to 1 August 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on the standardization of the off-grid component of the "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" (23 July 2012 to 1 August 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on significant deficiencies(23 July 2012 to 10 August 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for inputs on sustainable development co-benefits (23 July 2012 to 10 August 2012, 24:00 h GMT)
+ Call for inputs on the revision of the A/R methodological tool "Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities" (23 July to 22 August 2012, 24:00 GMT).
+ Call for inputs on draft Guidelines on the application of materiality in verifications(23 July - 10 August 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on sampling standard and best practice examples (18 July - 7 August 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-eighth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes" (2-8 July 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the "Information note Proposed stepwise approach for determining baseline and project emissions for vehicle retrofit projects" (18 June - 29 July 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on draft "Guidelines for establishment of standardized baselines for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism"(14 May - 4 June 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on planned CDM roundtable consultations in 2012(14-28 May 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the "Information note on the top-down development of standardized approaches for rural energy supply (biogas)"(14-28 May 2012, 12:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the "Information note on top-down development of standardized approaches for determining methane emissions in rice field under AMS-III.AU" (14-28 May 2012, 12:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology AMS-III.D "Methane recovery in animal manure management systems"(14 May to 11 June 2012, 12.00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology AMS-III.G "Landfill methane recovery"(14 May to 11 June 2012, 12.00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology AMS-III.R "Methane recovery in agricultural activities at household/small farm level"(14 May to 11 June 2012, 12.00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revision of the methodology AMS-III.Q "Waste Energy Recovery (gas/heat/pressure) project" (14 May to 11 June 2012, 12.00 GMT)
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-seventh meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(23-30 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology AM0025 "Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes — Version 13.0.0" (from 10 April to 20 April 2012)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology ACM0010 "Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions from manure management systems — Version 5.0 " (from 10 April to 20 April 2012)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology ACM0013 "Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology — Version 4.0.0" (from 10 April to 20 April 2012)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology ACM0014 "Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from treatment of industrial wastewater — Version 4.1.0"(from 10 April to 20 April 2012)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodological "Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane" (from 10 April to 20 April 2012)
+ Call for input on the draft best practices examples(05 March - 05 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology SSC-II.C "Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies"(05 March - 05 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft new methodology SSC-III.AZ "Energy efficiency and/or energy supply projects in commercial buildings"(05 March - 05 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the definition of "special underdeveloped zones"(05 March - 05 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on the draft methodological tool "Upstream leakage emissions associated with fossil fuel use"(05 March - 05 April 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-sixth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(13 - 19 February 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the revised "CDM Accreditation Standard for operational entities"(13 February - 9 March 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology AM0030 "PFC emission reductions from anode effect mitigation at primary aluminium smelting facilities"(06-16 February 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft Guidelines for data quality in the establishment of standardized baselines (from 08 December 2011 to 27 January 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft methodological tool "Project and leakage emissions from anaerobic digesters" (from 28 November 2011 to 28 December 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for inputs on CDM policy dialogue(from 27 October 2011 to 21 January 2012, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-fifth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(from 08 November 2011 to 14 November 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology AM0031 "Baseline methodology for bus rapid transit projects"(from 14 October 08:00 GMT to 24 October 2011 08:00 GMT 2011)
+ Call for input on the draft revised methodology ACM0001 "Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities"(from 14 October 08:00 GMT to 24 October 2011 08:00 GMT.)
+ Call for public input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-fourth meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(from 10 October to 16 October 2011)
+ Call for inputs on sampling standard(from 07 October to 17 October 2011)
+ Call for inputs on the draft new methodology "Renewable energy power generation in isolated grids" and tool "Project and leakage emissions from composting"(from 30 September 2011 to 10 October 2011)
+ Call for inputs on consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies(from 30 September 2011 to 30 October 2011)
+ Call for inputs on standardized baselines in SSC methodologies for displacing non renewable biomass(from 30 September 2011 until 30 October 2011)
+ Call for input on methodological issues pertaining to (a) energy efficient lighting and/or controls in buildings and (b) solar cookers for households(from 30 September 2011 to 30 October 2011)
+ Call for public input on "Issues included in the annotated agenda of the sixty-third meeting of the CDM Executive Board and its annexes"(from 12 September to 18 September 2011)
+ Call for public input on the draft revised methodology ACM0016 "Baseline Methodology for Mass Rapid Transit Projects"(from 29 August to 8 September 2011)
+ Call for public input on the "Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site"(from 29 August to 8 September 2011)
+ Call for input on First-of-its-Kind and common practice(from 18 July to 15 August 2011)
+ Call for inputs on the validation process(from 18 July to 15 August 2011)
+ Call for public input on the draft revised methodology AM0023 "Leak detection and repair in natural gas production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution systems and in refinery facilities"(from 7 July to 17 July 2011)
+ Call for public inputs: Identification of common issues in implementation of a registered A/R CDM project activity(from 3 June to 3 July 2011)
+ Call for public inputs on key issues identified in relation to the development of a solar cooker methodology(from 3 June to 3 July 2011)
+ Call for public inputs on sustainability benefits(from 3 June to 3 July 2011)
+ Call for public inputs on a draft methodology for water saving devices (3 June to 16 June 2011)
+ Call for public inputs on the expansion of the usability of the small scale methodology AMS-III.AV "Low greenhouse gas emitting water purification systems"(from 15 April 2011 to 16 May 2011)
+ Call for public input on the draft revised methodology AM0055 "Baseline and monitoring methodology for the recovery and utilization of waste gas in refinery facilities"(from 23 March to 1 April 2011)
+ Call for public inputs on Programme of Activities (PoA)(from 18 February 2011 - 18 March 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on areas and means for direct communication of stakeholders and the Board (from 18 February 2011 - 18 March 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on further expansion of applicability of AMS-III.AJ "Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes" (from 18 February 2011 - 18 March 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the draft "Tool for baseline scenario identification and baseline emission calculations"(from 01 December 2010 - 12 January 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the draft revised "Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis"(from 01 December 2010 - 12 January 2011, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the possible introduction of the concepts of materiality and level of assurance in the clean development mechanism(from 17 September - 15 October 2010, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the draft “Procedures for regarding the correction of significant deficiencies and the excess issuance of CERs”(from 17 September - 8 October 2010, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on focus areas for future practitioner workshops for CDM stakeholders(from 30 July 2010 - 27 August 2010)
+ Call for public inputs on the draft "Consolidated methodology for electricity and heat generation from biomass residues"(from 22 July 2010 - 04 August 2010)
+ Specific aspects of a methodology framework for estimating GHG reductions from replacing fuel-based lighting with LED Systems(from 28 May 2010 - 25 June 2010)
+ "Procedures for appeals in accordance with the CMP requests in paragraphs 42-43 of Decision 2/CMP.5"(from 26 March - 23 April 2010)
+ Draft “Tool to calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)”(from 26 March - 23 April 2010)
+ Small-scale energy efficient lighting and solar water heating methodologies(from 26 March to 12 April 2010)
+ Simplified modalities for demonstrating additionality of small scale renewable energy and energy efficiency project activities(from 26 March to 12 April 2010)
+ Call for inputs on the review of the registration and issuance process (from 12 February 2010 to 5 March 2010)
+ Call for inputs on the reasons for no or low application of approved methodologies in CDM project(from 08 June 2009 to 08 July 2009)
+ Call for inputs on draft general guidelines on sampling and surveys(from 01 June 2009 to 01 July 2009)
+ Efficiency in the operation of the CDM and opportunities for improvement(from 30 March to 04 May 2009)
+ DNA call for inputs on Regional Distribution matters(from 30 March to 04 May 2009)
+ Draft "Tool to determine the baseline efficiency of thermal or electrical energy generation systems" (from 18 February 2009 to 31 March 2009, 24:00 GMT)
+ Elaboration of CDM Accreditation Requirements(from 29 September to 27 October 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Flexibility in the application of the definition of project boundary to A/R CDM project activities(from 06 August to 03 September 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Proposal for an enhanced barrier test for project activities that have a potentially high profitability without CER revenues(from 06 August to 03 September 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Programme of Activities (PoA)(from 06 August to 03 September 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Draft standardization of the format of the modalities of communications between project participants and the Executive Board(from 06 August to 03 September 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public comments on Clean Development Mechanism Validation and Verification Manual (CDM-VVM)(from 16 May to 15 June 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the Guidelines for completing the project design document (CDM-PDD), and the proposed new baseline and monitoring methodologies (CDM-NM) (from 19 March to 30 April 2008, 24:00 GMT)
+ Call for public inputs on the draft tool for the estimation of emissions from cultivation of biomass(from 25 June to 06 August 2007)
+ Call for inputs requesting non-binding best practice examples on the demonstration of additionality to assist the development of PDDs, in particular for SSC project activities(from 25 June to 31 July 2007)
+ Call for Public Inputs on the draft procedure to demonstrate the eligibility of lands for A/R project activities under the CDM(from 7 May to 18 June 2007)
+ Call for public inputs on simplified baseline methodologies for small-scale CDM afforestation or reforestation project activities applied on wetlands and settlements(from 20 February to 14 May 2007)
+ Proposals for methodologies for SSC CDM project activities that propose the switch from non-renewable biomass to renewable biomass, addressing issues related to leakage, differentiation between renewable and non-renewable biomass and consistency with paragraph 7 (a) of decision 17/CP.7(from 15 January to 16 April 2007)
+ New procedures to demonstrate the eligibility of lands for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism(from 01 January to 21 February 2007)
+ DOE submissions of request for revisions of approved methodologies (from 3 November 2006 to 3 January 2007)
+ Double counting(from 02 October to 20 October 2006)
+ CDM Bazaar(from 12 September to 28 September 2006)
+ AM0016(from 19 May to 16 June 2006)
+ AM0006(from 19 May to 16 June 2006)
+ Definition of policy and programme of activities(from 19 May to 16 June 2006)
+ Revised procedure for accrediting operational entities by the Executive Board of the CDM(from 15 May to 15 June 2006)
+ Double counting (from 06 January to 17 February 2006)
+ Inputs received on approved meth AM0001 (from 22 September to 7 October 2004)
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