01:52 09 Mar 25
CDM Home - The CDM website's main page
About CDM - What is the clean development mechanism?
Project Cycle - Get a glimpse of the seven steps of the project cycle
How-to Guides - How to do a CDM project activity / submit a new methodology
Reaching Out - Regional distribution / Nairobi Framework
Around the World - Interactive map showing CDM project activities
CDM in Numbers - CDM statistics
Sights and Sounds - CDM in multimedia
Governance - How is the clean development mechanism regulated?
Executive Board - Reports of EB meetings
Panels and Teams - CDM Panels, Working Groups and Teams
National Authorities - Designated National Authorities
Certifiers - Designated Operational Entities
Governance - Decisions, reports and documentation
CMP decisions
EB reports to the CMP
Standards | Tools
Procedures | Guidelines |
Information Notes
Project Cycle Search - CDM project search
Programme of Activities: Background |
Prior Consideration
Deviation Requests
Issuance of CERs
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