Call for input on the draft revised methodology SSC-II.C "Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies"

The CDM Executive Board, at its sixty-sixth meeting agreed to launch a call for public input on the draft revised methodology SSC-II.C "Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies", as contained in annex 16 of the report of the thirty-fifth meeting of the small scale working group (SSC WG). The call for inputs will be for issues specified in annex 17 of the report of the thirty-fifth meeting of the SSC WG.

This call was open from 05 March 2012 to 5 April 2012 (24:00 GMT).

The Board requested the SSC WG to take into account the inputs received from the call when preparing the final draft of the methodology to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.

Submission Date Submission
05 April 2012 at 22:41 GMT+2 WorldBank (46 KB)