Call for input on the Investment analysis (TOOL 27) (a) Revise methodological tool to identify the host countries where the cost of equity may be calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)) - list of countries (b) Update of the default values of ROE (11 July to 26 July 2016, 24:00 GMT)
The MP is seeking inputs on the revision of the
Investment Analysis (TOOL27), MP70, Annex 17
The Board requested the MP at its eighty-fifth meeting (EB85 report, para. 50) proposing the tool to
a) Identify the host countries where the cost of equity may be calculated using the capital asset pricing model;
b) Update the default values for the cost of equity.
Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the draft revision of the tool in the commenting table found here.
The scope of the public input shall include but is not limited to text highlighted in the draft revision of the tool.
The call for inputs from stakeholders is open from 11 July to 26 July 2016 (24:00 GMT).
The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the draft revised methodologies to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.
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