Inputs received on double-counting
The Board, at its twenty-second meeting, agreed to open a public call for inputs
on possible situations where double-counting is likely to occur, analysing
possible options for avoiding the double-counting. The Board further agreed
that a technical analysis of the issue of double-counting, based on public inputs,
is required in particular with regard to:
- outlining possible situations where double-counting is likely to occur,
- analysing possible options for avoiding the double-counting of emission reductions.
The Board requested the Meth Panel
to prepare recommendations to the Board based on the public inputs and the technical analysis.
Public inputs received (listed in order of receipt):
Input submitted by | Entity * | Date of receipt |
Masatoshi Hisatome (n/a) | n/a | 11 February 2006 |
Ben Atkinson (n/a) | Agrinergy | 16 February 2006 |
Rama Reddy (n/a) | Carbon Finance, World Bank | 17 February 2006 |
M. Acharya and S. Schmitz (n/a) | n/a | 17 February 2006 |
Naoki Matsuo (n/a) | Climate Experts | 17 February 2006 |
* 'n/a' indicates a comment which was submitted in a personal capacity
The call for public comments was open from 06 January 2006 to 17 February 2006.
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