Call for input on the draft methodology ACM0018 "Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants" (7 April to 21 April 2017, 24:00 GMT)

The SSC WG and the MP were jointly seeking inputs on the draft methodology ACM0018 “Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants”, as contained in MP 72 Annex 12

The Board approved the revision of the methodological tool “Project and leakage emissions from biomass” at its eighty-third meeting (EB 83 report, para 40 (f)) and requested the MP to revise relevant approved methodologies to introduce reference to the revised methodological tool and to recommend the revised methodologies to the Board for its consideration at a future meeting.

Stakeholders were invited to provide their inputs on the draft revised methodology in the commenting table found here.

The call for inputs from stakeholders was open from 7 April to 21 April 2017, (24:00 GMT).

The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the final methodology to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.