Call for public input on the revision of the methodological tool "TOOL16: Project and leakage emissions from biomass", (5 to 19 October 2021, 23:59 CEST)
The Methodologies Panel (MP) was seeking inputs on the revision of the methodological tool “TOOL16: Project and leakage emissions from biomass”, as contained in MP 86 Annex 03.
This work is being carried out in response to the mandate by the Board at its 110th meeting (EB 110 meeting report, para. 30).
The scope of the public input included but was not limited to the highlighted text. The stakeholders were particularly requested to respond to the questions contained in paragraph 11, section 7 of the cover note as follows:
The MP acknowledges, under some circumstances, determining some of the project emission sources may bring additional complexity to the project, especially if the project participants don’t have control over the cultivation of biomass, transportation and processing of biomass and biomass residues. Stakeholders are invited to propose approaches under which some project emission sources can be neglected as they are not material or they are addressed through a net to gross adjustment factor, especially for small and micro-scale CDM project activities.
Stakeholders were invited to provide their inputs on the methodology in the commenting table found here.
The call for inputs from stakeholders was open 5 to 19 October 2021, 23:59 CEST)
The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the final draft of the methodology to be recommended to the Board.
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