Call for public input on the draft revision of "AM0091: Energy efficiency technologies and fuel switching in new buildings" (04 to 19 September 2013, 24:00 GMT)
The Methodologies Panel seeks inputs on the top-down revision of "AM0091: Energy efficiency technologies and fuel switching in new buildings"
Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the draft revision of the methodology, as contained in annex 13 of the report of the 60th meeting of the Methodologies Panel. Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs in the commenting table found here.
The scope of the public input shall include but is not limited to text highlighted in the draft methodology and specific questions below:
- Modeling approach to estimate baseline emissions and emission reductions for new construction and retrofit: The proposed revision of AM0091 introduced an approach similar to the one used in small-scale CDM methodology "AMS-II.Q: Energy efficiency and/or energy supply projects in commercial buildings". Does the described modeling approach provide sufficient guidance to a project developer for baseline setting and estimating emission reductions? If any additional guidance is needed, please specify in which specific sections.
- Additionality demonstration and baseline setting for new construction: Is identifying top 20% best performing buildings a workable approach for new construction? Alternative solutions are welcomed.
- Additionality demonstration for retrofit buildings: The baseline for retrofits relies on the characteristics of the existing building and would require an approach to additionality demonstration different from that for new construction. One of the suggestions for additionally demonstration is to refer to the "Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality". Suggestions on how to customize additionality demonstration to reflect the specificity of the buildings sector are welcomed;
- Consideration of lifetime of building components for baseline settings and additionality demonstration: Suggestions on whether to take into account (and if, yes, how) the lifetime of different components/equipment of the building envelop that are planned to be retrofitted/replaced.
- Suppressed demand: The revision of the methodology also aims at addressing the issue of suppressed demand. Suggestions are welcomed on i) How to identify and demonstrate that suppressed demand exists; (ii) How to account in emission reduction calculations suppressed for heating and electricity and iii) Should suppressed demand for cooling be considered? If yes, how to identify and demonstrate that suppressed demand for cooling exists? How to account for in emission reduction calculations suppressed for cooling?
- Access to Data: What could be the methods of obtaining relevant data (building characteristics, fuel consumption, equipment and other relevant information) or data sources for such data for baseline setting?
This call for public input was open from 04 September to 19 September 2013 (24:00 GMT).
The input from this call will be considered at the sixty-first meeting of the Methodologies Panel.
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