Call for public input on Information Note "Revision to AMS-III.BK: Strategic feed supplementation in smallholder dairy sector to increase productivity" (6 April to 20 April 2018, 24:00 GMT)

The Methodologies Panel (MP) was seeking inputs on the Information Note Revision to AMS-III.BK: Strategic feed supplementation in smallholder dairy sector to increase productivity” as contained in MP 75 Annex 08

The Board at its eighty-ninth meeting, considered the concept note on the "Exploration of methodological options for developing 'agriculture CDM'" and requested the MP to initiate the work on the proposed revisions of approved methodologies (i.e. AMS-III.BK, AMS-III.Y and AMS-III.F).

Stakeholders were invited to provide their inputs on the elements of the draft revision contained in the information note in the commenting table found here.

The call for inputs from stakeholders was open from (6 April to 20 April 2018, 24:00 GMT).

The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the final draft methodology to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.