Call for input on the revision of the methodology "AMS-III.B: Switching fossil fuels" (10 September to 25 September 2013, 24:00 GMT)
The SSC WG seeks inputs on the top-down revision of the approved methodology "AMS-III.B: Switching fossil fuels"
Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the draft revision of the methodology, as contained in annex 9 of the report of the 41th meeting of the SSC WG. Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs in the commenting table found here .
The scope of the public input shall include but is not limited to text highlighted in the draft revised methodology, as contained in annex 9 of the report of the 41th meeting of the SSC WG.
The call for inputs from stakeholders was open from 10 September to 25 September 2013 (24:00GMT).
The inputs from this call will be considered at the forty-second meeting of the SSC WG.
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