Call for public inputs on the draft “Procedures for regarding the correction of significant deficiencies and the excess issuance of CERs”

The Executive Board at its fifty-sixth meeting took note on the draft “Procedures for regarding the correction of significant deficiencies and the excess issuance of CERs”,
and agreed to open a call for public inputs on the draft procedure and decision 3/CMP.1, annex, paragraphs 22 and 24; and decision 3/CMP.1, annex, appendix D, paragraph 8.

The Board requests input on the following:
(a) Whether the draft procedure complies with the decisions of the CMP. If stakeholders consider that the provisions of the procedure do not comply with decisions of the CMP, a detailed explanation should be provided;

(b) Specific suggested revisions to the decisions of the CMP. In particular, the provisions for identifying and correcting significant deficiencies contained in validation, verification and certification reports;

(c) Market implications if the draft procedure was adopted. In particular, any increased costs of conducting validations and verifications, including an explanation for the opinion;

(d) Specific suggested revisions to the decisions of the CMP and the draft procedure that would lessen the market impact, while upholding the general principle that excess-issued CERs should be replaced;

(e) Specific suggestions for what should be done in a situation where a project participant provides false or misleading information to a DOE, and that information led to the excess-issuance of CERs.

The secretariat will prepare an information note with the inputs to be considered at the fifty-seventh meeting of the Board.

This call for public inputs was open from 17 September 2010 until 8 October 2010 (24:00 GMT).
Submission Date Submission
04 October 2010 at 11:36 GMT+2 E-0001 JQA official account (82 KB)
07 October 2010 at 14:30 GMT+2 Leo Perkowski (50 KB)
07 October 2010 at 17:14 GMT+2 Nguyen Quang (209 KB)
08 October 2010 at 06:15 GMT+2 ADB CMP (103 KB)
08 October 2010 at 06:32 GMT+2 Keshav C Das (28 KB)
08 October 2010 at 08:49 GMT+2 Kim Carnahan (255 KB)
08 October 2010 at 13:44 GMT+2 DNA Germany (258 KB)
08 October 2010 at 17:20 GMT+2 Leticia Labre (199 KB)
08 October 2010 at 19:21 GMT+2 E-0016 ERM CVS official account (87 KB)
08 October 2010 at 20:52 GMT+2 CDM Watch (471 KB)
08 October 2010 at 21:13 GMT+2 Rama Chandra Reddy (248 KB)