Standardized Baselines
Please note that as per paragraph 12 of the EB119 report, the Board decided to not consider proposed updated standardized baselines submitted to the secretariat after 31 December 2023.
How-to Basic
The “Procedure for development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines” defines the process to develop new standardized baselines as well as to revise, clarify and update approved standardized baselines.

How to submit a new standardized baseline
How to submit a proposed revised standardized baseline
How to submit a request for clarification of an approved standardized baseline
Standardized Baselines
Project participants may select an approved standardized baseline if the approved standardized baseline is valid and applicable to the proposed CDM project activity or PoA in accordance with the “CDM project standard".
+ Approved Afforestation and Reforestation Standardized Baselines
+ Expired Standardized Baselines
+ Proposed Bottom-up Standardized Baselines [Pending | Finalized | Withdrawn]
+ Proposed Top-down Standardized Baselines [Pending | Finalized | Withdrawn]
Requests for:
+ Clarification of approved standardized baselines [Pending | Finalized]
+ Revision of approved standardized baselines [Pending | Finalized]
+ Update of approved standardized baselines [Pending | Finalized]
The use of standardized baselines can potentially reduce transaction costs, enhance transparency, objectivity and predictability, facilitate access to the CDM, particularly with regard to underrepresented project types and regions, and scale up the abatement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while ensuring environmental integrity. More relevant information is available at the below webpages:
+ Good practice examples
+ SB-related publications

+ Procedures
+ Standards
+ Guidelines
+ Forms
+ Data templates
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