Call for input on the top-down revision of the methodology "AMS-II.C: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies" (23 October to 05 November 2015, 24:00 GMT)
The SSC WG is seeking input on the top-down revision of the approved methodology: "AMS-II.C: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies”
The draft revision is based on the request by the Board (EB 85 report, para. 56) to include consistent methods and provide more flexibility to project proponents to determine the usage hours of lighting equipment in a conservative manner in "AMS-II.C: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies”
The draft revision introduces the use of conservative default values (i.e. 3.5 hours/day for residential applications and 8.0 hours/day for commercial buildings) and ensures consistency with AMS-II.J.
Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the draft revision of the methodology, as contained in annex 2 of the report of the 49th meeting of the SSC WG. Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs in the the commenting table found here.
The scope of the public input shall include but is not limited to text highlighted in the draft revised methodology, as contained in annex 2 of the report of the 49th meeting of the SSC WG. Furthermore, the SSC WG would like to receive inputs on the following issues:
(a) Whether the proposed default values under AMS-II.C are appropriate;
(b) Whether newly included requirements (e.g. destruction of project lamps for commercial buildings) are appropriate;
(c) Whether AMS-II.C should provide further guidance to identify baseline technologies.
The call for inputs from stakeholders was open from 23 October to 05 November 2015 (24:00GMT).
The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the draft revised methodology to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.
No input was received.
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