Call for input on the analysis and proposal on revision of TOOL07 "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" to better accommodate small isolated grids in SIDS and LDCs and to enhance clarity of the requirements related to the demonstration of transmission constraints (11 July to 26 July 2016, 24:00 GMT)
The MP is seeking inputs on the analysis and proposal on the revision of
TOOL07 "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" contained in the Information note in MP70, Annex 16.
It aims to address the request from the Board at its eighty-ninth meeting (EB89 report, para. 42) to review the tool to
a) Better accommodate small isolated grids in small island developing states and least developed countries;
b) Enhance the clarity of the requirements related to the demonstration of transmission constraints.
Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the draft revision of the Information note in the commenting table found here.
The scope of the public input shall include but is not limited to the proposals contained in the draft Information note.
The call for inputs from stakeholders is open from 11 July to 25 July 2016 (24:00 GMT).
The public inputs will be taken into account when preparing the draft revised tool to be recommended to the Board at a future meeting.
Submission Date | Submission |
26 July 2016 at 12:00 GMT+2 | Revision of TOOL 07_WB (2).pdf (96 KB) |
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