09:32 27 Mar 25
List of DOEs
The Executive Board, in accordance with paragraph 20 of the CDM modalities and procedures, shall mantain
a publicly available list of designated operational entities. The table below provides
the list of accredited and provisionally designated operational entities for
validation functions. These entities are accredited for the sectoral scopes shown
below in the table and qualify to submit requests for project registration in these
sectoral scopes.
The Executive Board, at its 92nd meeting, requested the secretariat to make available information on the UNFCCC CDM website, of entities that are accredited but have not made any submissions within the last 20 months and the date of the last submission. The following is the list of the entities that have not made submissions within the last 20 months.
Ref. number | Entity |
Last submission of request for registration or publication of monitoring report |
E-0001 | Japan Quality Assurance Organisation (JQA) | 12/05/2020 |
E-0006 | Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability, Co., Ltd. (DTSUS) | 22/04/2016 |
E-0034 | China Environmental United Certification Center Co., Ltd (CEC) | 23/01/2015 |
E-0044 | China Quality Certification Center (CQC) | 24/01/2014 |
Note: Information as of 06 February 2023
Withdrawn/Expired DOEs
Note: The information pertaining to withdrawn DOEs was valid at the time of withdrawal.
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