Panels / Working Groups / Teams
The CDM Executive Board (CDM EB) may establish committees, panels or working groups to assist it in the performance of its functions. The CDM EB shall draw on the expertise necessary to perform its functions, including from the UNFCCC roster of experts. In this context, it shall take fully into account the consideration of regional balance. (Rule 32 of the rules of procedures of the CDM EB) Decision 4/CMP.1 (735 KB)
Methodologies Panel (MP)

The Meth Panel was established to develop recommendations to the CDM EB on guidelines for methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans and prepare recommendations on submitted proposals for new baseline and monitoring methodologies.
- Meth Panel Meetings | Archives
- Terms of Reference of the support structure of the CDM EB
Payments of task fees to members of the support structure of the CDM Executive Board
- Call for Meth Panel Members (closed)
- Meth Panel Members
Accreditation Panel (CDM AP)

The Accreditation Panel was established to develop recommendations and facilitate the decision making of the CDM EB in accordance with the standards and procedure for accrediting operational entities.
- Accreditation Panel Meetings | Archives
- Terms of Reference of the support structure of the CDM EB
Payments of task fees to members of the support structure of the CDM Executive Board
- Call for CDM AP Members (closed)
- Accreditation Panel Members
Registration and Issuance Team (RIT)

The CDM Registration and Issuance Team is a group of external experts that assist the CDM EB by assessing requests for registration of project activities or programmes of activities as well as requests for issuance for which review has been requested.
- Terms of reference of the CDM rosters of experts
- Call for experts (closed)
- Registration and Issuance Team Members
Afforestation & Reforestation Working Group (A/R WG)

The A/R WG was established to prepare recommendations on submitted proposals for new baseline and monitoring methodologies. The WG is expected to work in cooperation with the Meth Panel.
- A/R WG Meetings | Archives
- Terms of Reference of the support structure of the CDM EB
Payments of task fees to members of the support structure of the CDM Executive Board
- Call for experts (closed)
- Call for A/R WG Members (closed)
- A/R WG Members
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Working Group (CCS WG)

The CCS WG was established to prepare recommendations on submitted proposals for new baseline and monitoring methodologies. The WG is expected to work in cooperation with the Meth Panel.
CCS WG Meetings: to be decided
Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG)

At its ninety-third meeting, the Board decided to merge the Methodologies Panel (MP) with the Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG) to form a new MP, by expanding the scope of work of the MP to include work relating to small-scale methodologies and by including members with small-scale expertise in the new MP, with effect from September 2017 (see paragraph 15 of the EB 93 meeting report).
The SSC WG was established to develop recommendations to the CDM EB on guidelines for small scale methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans and prepare recommendations on submitted proposals for new baseline and monitoring methodologies for small scale CDM project activities.
- SSC WG Meetings | Archives
- Terms of Reference of the support structure of the CDM EB
- Payments of task fees to members of the support structure of the CDM Executive Board
- Practitioners Workshops
- CDM methodologies for household cooking energy supply
- SSC Renewable Energy and Demand Side Energy Efficiency Methodologies
- Call for SSC WG Members (closed)
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