Beijing United Intelligence Certification Co., Ltd
Title E-0077. Beijing United Intelligence Certification Co., Ltd
Status Designated Operational Entity
Scope of accreditation
  • Validation in 1-9, 12, 13 until 27.11.2028
  • Verification in 1-9, 12, 13 until 27.11.2028
Declared office(s) 17/F, Building 3, Triumph Center, No.170 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P. R. China Declaration of other offices (CDM-DOO-FORM): E-0077-UICC_CDM-DOO-FORM-2022.pdf (210 KB) 27.10.2022 12:40:14
Contact persons
Initial Accreditation: 28 Nov 2023
Note: As per the CDM Accreditation procedure, a DOE that wishes to be re-accredited after the expiry of the current accreditation term shall apply for re-accreditation between 10 and 12 months before the expiry of the current accreditation term.
Note: The information included in the “Declared office(s)” above is maintained by the DOE.
Long description

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