Title E-0002. JACO CDM., LTD
Status Applicant Entity
List of sectoral scopes applied for 1-15
Declared office(s)
Address: 2-2-19 Akasaka
Postal code: 107-0052
City: Minato-ku, Tokyo
Country: Japan
Declaration of other offices (CDM-DOO-FORM): E-0002 JACO CDM-DOO-FORM.pdf (323 KB) 13.10.2014 16:42:08
Contact persons Akihide MADENOKOJI
Tel: +81-3-5572-1753
E-mail: madenokouji@jaco.co.jp
Re-accreditation: 11 Sep 2009
Re-accreditation: 21 Feb 2014
Withdrawn: 28 Feb 2015 (Voluntary full withdrawal by the DOE)
Note: As per the CDM Accreditation procedure, a DOE that wishes to be re-accredited after the expiry of the current accreditation term shall apply for re-accreditation between 10 and 12 months before the expiry of the current accreditation term.
Note: The information included in the “Declared office(s)” above is maintained by the DOE.
Long description

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