LGAI Technological Center, S.A.
Title E-0032. LGAI Technological Center, S.A.
Status Designated Operational Entity
Scope of accreditation
  • Validation in 1, 3, 13 until 27.11.2028
  • Verification in 1, 3, 13 until 27.11.2028
Declared office(s)

Central Office of the AE/DOE - postal

Address: Campus UAB,
P.O.Box 18
Postal code: E-08193
City: Bellaterra, Barcelona
Country: Spain

Office(s) of outsourced entities - postal

Address: FME Global, S.A. de C.V
Circuito La Cima 200A, Int. Montes Carpatos 31
Postal code: CP 76146
City: La Cima, Queretaro, QRO
Country: Mexico
Address: Liken Carbon Hub SL
Calle Manzanares 4
Postal code: 28005
City: Madrid
Country: Spain
210 Sai Ram Plaza, 63 Mangal Nagar
Postal code: 452001
City: Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Country: India
Declaration of other offices (CDM-DOO-FORM): 230926_CDM-DOO-FORM E-0032_signed.pdf (195 KB) 28.09.2023 11:54:46
Contact persons Agustín Calle de Miguel
Tel: +34 667 185 353
E-mail: agustin.calle@applus.com

Carla Debat Mollevi
Tel: +34 935 672 008
E-mail: carla.debat@applus.com
URL www.applus.com
Initial Accreditation: 11 Aug 2009
Re-accreditation: 04 Oct 2013
Extension of scope of accreditation/ Re-accreditation: 31 Aug 2018
Re-accreditation: 28 Nov 2023
Note: As per the CDM Accreditation procedure, a DOE that wishes to be re-accredited after the expiry of the current accreditation term shall apply for re-accreditation between 10 and 12 months before the expiry of the current accreditation term.
Note: The information included in the “Declared office(s)” above is maintained by the DOE.
Long description

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