Programme of activities

Release: 31 Dec 2023



Number of POAs that have issued CERs:


Number of CPAs included:


CERs issued


                                                                                ♦Potential supply of:

CERs to the end of the 1st KP commitment period (31 Dec. 2012)

CERs to the end of 2023

CERs to the end of all current crediting periods

2,724,711 476,136,846 757,456,803
Adjusted by past rate of issuance
69,807,364 91,087,146


 Number of POAs:
 Number of CPAs
                                                                                ♦Potential supply of:
CERs to the end of the 1st KP commitment period (31 Dec. 2012)
CERs to the end of 2023
CERs to the end of all current crediting periods
365,  of which:
5,662,993 635,091,132 1,023,786,095
   353  are registered
5,662,993 633,601,447 1,019,483,204
   0 are requesting registration
0 0
   1 Withdrawn Before Publication
435,993 435,993
   10 Provisional
1,053,691 3,866,897
   1 Validation replaced
0 0


CERs issued may include tCERs and lCERs.
The potential supply of CERs excludes CERs from PoAs undergoing validation, rejected or withdrawn and is based on average annual CERs such that all activities simultaneously deliver their expected annual average emission reductions equally across all years of all their respective crediting periods. Only CERs from PoAs for which the renewal of the crediting period has been approved are included.
The past rate of issuance is the ratio of CERs issued over the expected CERs to be issued up to the date of the last issuance, capped to 1.
CERs to the end of 1st. KP commitment period (31 Dec. 2012) include CERs potentially issued after 31 December 2012 for emission reductions that occured prior to 31 December 2012


Validation   |  Registration   |   Issuances   |   Methodologies

PoAs entering validation
PoAs entering validation
pdfPoAs entering validation Number of POAs that have successfully started validation per month, showing both large and small scale PoAs and overall trend PoAs/month
Trend of PoAs entering validation by host party
Trend of PoAs entering validation by host party
pdfTrend of PoAs entering validation by host party Trend over time of PoAs in countries (Host Parties), which have the most validation PoAs per month PoAs/month
Trend of types of PoAs entering validation
Trend of types of PoAs entering validation
pdfTrend of types of PoAs entering validation Trend over time of types of PoAs (UNEP Risoe), which have the most validation PoAs per month PoAs/month

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Registration/ InclusionTitleDescriptionUnitData
PoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering
PoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering
pdfPoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering Number of PoAs that have successfully started registration or are registered per month, showing both PoAs and CPAs and overall trend. PoAs/month
[POA-RI1:FinalizedDate / Effective Inclusion Date]
Trend of PoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering by Host Party
Trend of PoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering by Host Party
pdfTrend of PoAs / CPAs Included / registered and registering by Host Party Trend over time of PoAs and CPAs in countries (Host Parties), which have the most registered and undergoing registration PoAs/CPAs per month PoAs/month
[POA-RI2:FinalizedDate / Effective Inclusion Date]
Trend of types of PoAs / CPAs included / registered and registering
Trend of types of PoAs / CPAs included / registered and registering
pdfTrend of types of PoAs / CPAs included / registered and registering Trend over time of types of PoAs (UNEP Risoe defined), which have the most registered and undergoing registration PoAs/CPAs per month PoAs/month
[POA-RI3:FinalizedDate / Effective Inclusion Date]
PoAs / CPAs Included / registered
PoAs / CPAs Included / registered
pdfPoAs / CPAs Included / registered Number of PoAs that have registered per month, showing both PoAs and CPAs and overall trend. PoAs/month
[POA-RI4:FinalizedDate / Effective Inclusion Date]
Distribution of included CPAs by UN region and subregion
Distribution of included CPAs by UN region and subregion
pdfDistribution of included CPAs by UN region and subregion Percentage of CPAs by UN Region / subregion of all included CPAs PoAs/month
[POA-RI5:FinalizedDate / Effective Inclusion Date]

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PoA RegistrationTitleDescriptionUnitData
PoAs registered
PoAs registered
pdfPoAs registered Number of PoAs that have registered per month and trend. PoAs/month
Distribution of registered PoAs by Host Party
Distribution of registered PoAs by Host Party
pdfDistribution of registered PoAs by Host Party Percentage of PoAs by Host Party of all registered PoAs % PoAs/Host Party
Distribution of registered PoAs by Other Party
Distribution of registered PoAs by Other Party
pdfDistribution of registered PoAs by Other Party Percentage of PoAs by Other Party of all registered PoAs % PoAs/Other Parties
Distribution of registered PoAs by UNFCCC region
Distribution of registered PoAs by UNFCCC region
pdfDistribution of registered PoAs by UNFCCC region Percentage of PoAs belonging to a UNFCCC defined region of all registered PoAs % PoAs/Region
Distribution of registered PoAs by Scale
Distribution of registered PoAs by Scale
pdfDistribution of registered PoAs by Scale Percentage of PoAs belonging to a CDM scale of all registered PoAs % PoAs/Scale
Distribution of registered PoAs by Scope
Distribution of registered PoAs by Scope
pdfDistribution of registered PoAs by Scope Percentage of PoAs belonging to a CDM scope of all registered PoAs % PoAs/Scope

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CPA InclusionTitleDescriptionUnitData
CPAs Included
CPAs Included
pdfCPAs Included Number of CPAs included each month and trend. CPAs/month
[POA-CPAI_1:Inclusion Date]
Distribution of included CPAs by Host Party
pdfDistribution of included CPAs by Host Party Percentage of CPAs by Host Party of all registered CPAs % CPAs/Host Party
[POA-CPAI_2:Inclusion Date]
Distribution of registered PoAs by Other Party
Distribution of included CPAs by Other Party
pdfDistribution of included CPAs by Other Party Percentage of CPAs by Other Party of all registered CPAs % CPAs/Other Parties
[POA-CPAI_3:Inclusion Date]
Distribution of included CPAs by UNFCCC region
Distribution of included CPAs by UNFCCC region
pdfDistribution of included CPAs by UNFCCC region Percentage of CPAs belonging to a UNFCCC defined region of all registered CPAs %CPAs/Region
[POA-CPAI_4:Inclusion Date]
Distribution of included CPAs by Scale
Distribution of included CPAs by Scale
pdfDistribution of included CPAs by Scale Percentage of CPAs belonging to a CDM scale of all registered CPAs %CPAs/Scale
[POA-CPAI_5:Inclusion Date]
Distribution of registered CPAs by Scope
Distribution of registered CPAs by Scope
pdfDistribution of registered CPAs by Scope Percentage of CPAs belonging to a CDM scope of all registered CPAs %CPAs/Scope
[POA-CPAI_6:Inclusion Date]

Distribution of expected CERs from registered projects by Host Party until 2020
Distribution of expected CERs from registered projects by Host Party until 2020
pdfDistribution of expected CERs from registered projects by Host Party until 2020 Total CERs are based on each CPA's average annual expected CERs % CERs/Host Party
Distribution of registered CPAs by Scope
Distribution of registered CPAs by Scope
pdfPercentage CERs issued from registered projects in a Host Party Percentage CERs issued from registered PoAs in a Host Party % CERs/Host Party

Approved methodologies by Scope
pdfApproved methodologies by Scope Percentage of approved methodologies belonging to a CDM scope of all methodologies, showing both large, small scale and consolidated methodologies Methodologies