Finalized requests for deviation

In accordance with the current Procedures for requests for deviation a Designated Operation Entity may submit request for deviation regarding a project activity at the validation or verification stage.

Requests for deviation by DOEs and the responses provided by the Board are being made publicly available on this page, unless otherwise decided. The requests for deviations from the monitoring plan have the following code "I-DEV0XXX" and the deviations from an approved methodology have the following code "M-DEV0XXX".

If you are a DOE, please log in if you wish to submit a new request.

Reference of deviation request I/M-DEV
Type of request
Concerned methodology
Reference of project (for requests at verification)

There are 327 matching requests:

Displaying 1-20 of 327

Reference Request for deviation Current Status Last update
I-DEV0475 Request for deviation from the monitoring plan regarding monitoring interval of the quantities of gaseous effluents Deviation accepted 04 Jun 12
I-DEV0474 Deviation on the monitoring wastewater volume & electricity consumed by the project activity equipment Deviation accepted 13 Jun 12
I-DEV0472 Measurement of methane content of biogas Deviation accepted 21 May 12
I-DEV0471 Request for deviation from the monitoring methodology regarding the use of DCS for monitoring of QRFG (Quantity of flare gas recovered) Deviation accepted 16 May 12
M-DEV0470 Cogeneration and allocation of emission reductions from biogas Deviation accepted 08 May 12
M-DEV0468 Deviation for determining the baseline efficiencies of heat generator and heat engine Deviation accepted 30 Apr 12
I-DEV0467 Conservative Monitoring plan deviation regarding accuracy of monitoring equipment Deviation accepted 17 Apr 12
I-DEV0466 Request for deviation from the monitoring plan due to joint meter reading Deviation accepted 02 Apr 12
I-DEV0465 Request for Deviation - Apportioning of generated electricity between project and non-project wind turbines for one participant in the bundle for the period 01/07/2010 to 25/06/2011 Deviation accepted 21 Mar 12
I-DEV0462 The use of open flare system instead of enclosed flare system Deviation accepted 06 Jun 12
I-DEV0461 Measurement of methane content of biogas and flare efficiency Deviation accepted 29 Feb 12
I-DEV0459 Measurement of methane content of biogas and flare efficiency Deviation accepted 29 Feb 12
I-DEV0457 Power meter with lower accuracy than stated in the PDD and the revised monitoring plan Deviation accepted 23 Feb 12
I-DEV0456 Application of calibration results to correct for lower accuracy readings during initial calibration from certain continuous flow meters. Deviation accepted 27 Jan 12
I-DEV0455 Application of calibration results to correct for lower accuracy readings from certain continuous flow meters for MR2 Deviation accepted 27 Jan 12
I-DEV0454 Deviation from Monitoring Plan due to non measurement of heat value of Alternative fuel & Fossil fuel. Deviation accepted 21 May 12
I-DEV0453 Deviation from provisions of registered PDD due to delayed installation of flare efficiency continuous monitoring equipment. Deviation accepted 06 Jan 12
I-DEV0452 Conservative estimation in lieu of direct measurement regarding the methane content for biogas fed to gas engines (FCH4,generator) for the period that suffered measuring equipment malfunctioning Deviation accepted 04 Jan 12
I-DEV0451 Deviation from the registered Monitoring Plan regarding the electricity transported from a 110kV substation to a 35kV substation Deviation accepted 02 Mar 12
M-DEV0450 Deviation from the "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" to allow the use of alternative weights based on the intermittent and non-dispatchable nature of power a project applying AMS-I.D. Deviation not accepted 05 Dec 11