Project: 1285 Tradewinds Methane Extraction and Power Generation Project - History
Project 1285: Tradewinds Methane Extraction and Power Generation Project
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB37
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
DOE initial comments (45 KB)
PP initial comments (2692 KB)
Annex 1 - BPOM JAS License (735 KB)
Annex 2 - Parameter limit (Environmental Act) Palm Oil (305 KB)
Annex 3 - A technical & economic Analysis by B.G. Yeoh (4823 KB)
Annex 4 - Study on CDM potential in the Waste Sectors in Malaysia (2131 KB)
Annex 5 - BPOM Running hour 2006 & Aerator power rating (426 KB)
Annex 6 - IRR Tradewinds Binu (144 KB)
Annex 7a - Invoices 1 (1677 KB)
Annex 7 b - Invoices 2 (1745 KB)
Annex 7 c - Invoice TEK-Binu (323 KB)
Annex 7 d - Newspaper Ad. (1080 KB)
Annex 7 e- O & M cost (25 KB)
Annex 8 - Business collaboration agreement (2470 KB)
Annex 9 - email & loan confirmation letter (565 KB)
Annex 10 - Written approval application (3696 KB)
Annex 11 - Written approval by DoE Sarawak (912 KB)
Annex 12 - Baseline Study of Emission from Anaerobic Pond (2586 KB)
Annex 13 - In-house BOD results (1049 KB)
Annex 14 - DoE State letter (269 KB)
Annex 15 - PTM (6003 KB)
Review Scope (90 KB)

EB meeting: EB38
(at which the report of the review team was/will be considered)