Conflict of Interest (EB121)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Anna Romanovskaya
Diana Harutyunyan
Ephraim Shitima
Frank Wolke
Hyun-Jung Park
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez *
Kiyoshi Komatsu
Lambert Schneider
Mamadou Gueye
Moises Alvarez
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Omar Alcock
Piotr Dombrowicki  1
Sirous Vatankhah
Sonam Tashi
Spencer Thomas
Stella Gama
Agenda item 3.1.: Accreditation cases

E-0005 TÜV SÜD South Asia Private Limited (TÜV SÜD)    
(Spot check)


E-0006 Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability, Co., Ltd. (DTSUS) 
(Extension of accreditation term)


(Extension of accreditation term)




E-0024 Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)   
(Spot check)


E-0024 Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)   
(Performance assessment)


E-0025 Korean Foundation for Quality (KFQ)   
(Performance assessment)


E-0032 LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (LGAI Tech. Center S.A)     
(Performance assessment)


E-0037 RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA)      
(Performance assessment)


E-0046 China Classification Society Certification Co., Ltd. (CCSC)   
(Extension of additional sectoral scope)


E-0046 China Classification Society Certification Co., Ltd. (CCSC)   
(Performance assessment)


E-0047 CEPREI certification body (CEPREI)  
(Spot check)


E-0051 KBS Certification Services Limited (KBS)     
(Performance assessment)


E-0052 Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd. (Carbon Check)     
(Extension of additional sectoral scope and re-accreditation)


E-0054 Re Carbon Gözetim Denetim ve Belgelendirme Limited Sirketi (Re Carbon)  
(Regular surveillance)


E-0065 China Testing & Certification International Group Co., Ltd. (CTC)        
(Performance assessment)


E-0069 4K Earth Science Private Limited (4KES)     
(Extension of additional sectoral scope and re-accreditation)


E-0076 BSI Pacific Limited (BSI PL)
(Initial accreditation)

Agenda item 4.1.: Methodology cases

NM0382Production of Geopolymer Cement
Host Party: China
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Huang Shanfeng, Shanghai Geopoly New Materials Co., Ltd Climate Bridge (Shanghai) Ltd. 


NM0385Hazardous Oily Waste Remediation and Processing for Oil Recovery
Host Party:  Kuwait
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Claus Rolf Ritzenhofen, Auxilium Carbon DMCC


AM_REV_0263Revision of AM0009 to expand its applicability to project activities utilizing associated gas to produce LNG
Host Parties: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): ReNewClimate Strategies GmbH


AM_REV_0265Revision of ACM0002 to include grid-connected Long-Duration Pumped Storage Projects (LD PSP)
Host Parties: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Rambabu Paravastu; Greenko Group


AM_CLA_0311: Request for clarification - Clarification regarding the applicability of CDM methodology AM0123
Host Party: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Kingshuk Das Das; EKI Energy Services Ltd.


AM_CLA_0312: Request for clarification - Clarification on the applicability of ACM0006 or ACM0018 for a bioenergy project involving cultivation of miscanthus for biogas production and subsequent RE generation
Host Party: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Rachel Brooks; Co2Balance


AM_CLA_0050: Request for clarification  Clarification on the source of data for the calculation of the default values for Cost of Equity in “TOOL27: Investment Analysis” v 13.0 (578 KB)
Party: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Det Norske Veritas Certification AS


SSC-NM108Emission reduction by application of Dry-cultivated Water-saving and Drought-resistance Rice (D-WDR) in rice cultivation
Host Party: China
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Huang Shanfeng; Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center; Technical Centre for Soil, Agriculture and Rural Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Ecology and Environment; Climate Bridge (Shanghai) Ltd


SSC-842: Request for clarification - Clarification on the terminal efficiency of a charcoal-based project device under AMS-II.G.
Host Parties: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Rajib Pramanik; EKI Energy Services Ltd.

Agenda item 5. Relations with forums and other stakeholders




Any other item on the agenda of CDM EB 121

In case of a real or perceived conflict of interest relating to any other item on the agenda of CDM EB 121, please indicate this here and add the specific agenda item in the comments box.


  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Piotr Dombrowicki: No conflict of interest.