SSC-NM108: Emission reduction by application of Dry-cultivated Water-saving and Drought-resistance Rice (D-WDR) in rice cultivation

Initial submission

Reference SSC-NM108
Title Emission reduction by application of Dry-cultivated Water-saving and Drought-resistance Rice (D-WDR) in rice cultivation
Submitted by Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences on 21 Dec 22
Current status 05 Mar 24 - Awaiting EB decision
Historic statuses 21 Dec 22 - Submission received
16 Jan 23 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
16 Jan 23 - Submission deemed qualified
16 Jan 23 - Undergoing desk reviews by experts
17 Jan 23 - Opened for public comments
01 Feb 23 - Closed for public comments
03 Feb 23 - Desk reviews completed by experts
03 Feb 23 - Awaiting the SSCWG recommendation
10 Jan 24 - Awaiting Project Participant feedback on the preliminary recommendation
30 Jan 24 - Clarifications received from project participants
05 Mar 24 - SSCWG recommendation issued (A)

Call for public input

From 17 Jan 2023 (00:00:00 GMT) till 31 Jan 2023 (23:59:59 GMT).

Meth Panel recommendation and communication

Meth Panel 90
14 Feb 23
MP recommendation (137 KB)
Meth Panel 91
05 Jul 23
Meth Panel 92
04 Oct 23
Meth Panel 93
04 Mar 2024

EB decision