CDM Registry
Institutional background
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its first session, held at Montreal from 28 November to 10 December 2005, established that the CDM Executive Board shall develop and maintain the CDM registry according to the requirements set out in Appendix D to the report (FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8/Add.1).
These requirements specify that the CDM registry is to be in the form of a standardized electronic database that ensures the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding and acquisition of CERs. In order to do so, Appendix D to Decision 3/CMP.1 provides guidance on the different account types to be available in the CDM registry, provisions for unique serial numbers, conditions for the forwarding of CERs and publicly available information about the operation of the CDM registry.
This document also establishes that
The Executive Board shall establish and maintain a CDM registry to ensure the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding, transfer and acquisition of CERs by Parties not included in Annex I.
The Executive Board shall identify a registry administrator to maintain the registry under its authority.
(3/CMP.1, Annex, Appendix D, paragraph 1). The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism designated the UNFCCC Secretariat as the CDM registry administrator at its thirteenth meeting.
The Annual report (2003–2004) of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties also states that the Board agreed that the secretariat is to be the CDM registry administrator with responsibility, under the authority of the Board, for implementing and operating the CDM registry (CP/2004/2/ paragraph 59).
Publicly available information can be found on the issuance of CERs section.
Information about the amount of CERs allocated to the Adaptation Fund account can be found here
The Executive Board provided further guidance for the work of the CDM registry at its subsequent meetings. The reports of each meeting containing the corresponding decisions can be found on the EB section .
Voluntary Cancellation of CERs:
Voluntary cancellation allows project participants who hold certified emission reductions (CERs) in the CDM registry to cancel them on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties. This gives them access to a broader source of demand for CERs in the voluntary market, while making a diverse portfolio of credits available to organizations and individuals wishing to reduce their carbon footprint.
Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) is our partner
CTX is a wholesale platform for larger scale sales of CERs for businesses, corporations, and institutional buyers. CTX is a global 24/7/365 platform where you can purchase CDM CER cancellations enabled through a linking arrangement which went live in 2017. CTX is a commercial fee-based business designed to support the global voluntary carbon market. You can access membership to CTX via
Our match-making
- View list of CERs available for voluntary cancellation
- Create an expression of interest for CERs (you will need to create a My CDM account and log in)
- Advertise CERs available for voluntary cancellation (you will need to create a My CDM account and log in)
- View list of CERs wanted
For more information on how to voluntarily cancel CERs in the CDM Registry, click here
- Change the focal point entity and/or scope of authority (MOC)
- Add a project participant entity (MOC Annex 2, sections 1 and 2)
- Change the legal name of a project participant entity (MOC Annex 2, sections 1 and 2, or MOC if the entity is also a focal point)
- Withdraw a project participant entity (MOC Annex 2, sections 1 and 3)
- Change the authorized signatories or contact details of a project participant or focal point entity (MOC Annex 2, sections 1 and 4)
- Add or change the end-date of participation (MOC Annex 2, sections 1 and 5)
- Withdraw as focal point (MOC Annex 3)
- Procedures related to holding accounts in the CDM Registry
- Procedures related to forwarding of CERs
- Voluntary Cancellation
- Partial payment of share of proceeds
- CDM-MOC-FORM Standard template v3.0 (397 KB)
CDM Registry News - Operational
17 December 2024 - year end forwarding / voluntary cancellation requests
The CDM Registry will be closed from 25 - 27 December 2024. Focal point representatives should submit all forwarding or voluntary cancellation requests by Friday, 20 December 2024.
27 March 2024 - Non-responsive DNAs
Several project participants have brought to the attention of the secretariat that some DNAs are non-responsive. To guarantee smooth operation of the CDM, it is crucial that DNAs are contactable and responsive.
After the secretariat brough this matter to the Executive Board which then referred the matter to the Conference of the Parties, the Executive Board has decided at its last meeting in March 2024 to bring this matter to the attention of the UNFCCC National Focal points.
At its last meeting in March 2024 the Executive Board has decided the following: “The Executive Boardrequested the secretariat to initiate written communication with the UNFCCC National Focal Points of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol of non-responsive DNAs as identified by project participants in order to confirm whether the DNA is no longer operational.
Furthermore, the Board requested the secretariat to reach out to the Heads of delegations of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that have not responded to the above communication prior to the next meeting and report back to the Board”.
More information can be found at the meeting report of the EB in the following link ( Agenda item 2.2 Strategic planning and direction, paragraphs 9 and 10) CDM EB: 121st meeting report
8 December 2020 - Accounts in the UK Kyoto National Registry as of 1 January 2021
As of 1 January 2021, account holders of accounts in the UK Kyoto National Registry will no longer have access to these accounts, and transfers of CERs to the Kyoto National Registry of the UK will no longer be possible. The UK government is procuring a new system to enable account holders to hold and trade Certified Emission Reductions and Emission Reduction Units, which they expect to be operational in Spring 2021.
Type of accounts
+ Pending account+ Adaptation fund account
+ Temporary holding accounts
+ Permanent holding accounts
Further information
- Transaction types allowed in the CDM registry
- SOP for the Adaptation Fund
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