CERs available for voluntary cancellation

This page provides a list of CERs available for cancellation. Interested buyers should contact the project participants concerned directly to obtain further information.

Submit a new voluntary cancellation notice (you will need to create a 'My CDM' account).

More information on how to cancel CERs.

Project number Project name Project type Host country Quantity of CERs Indicative price per unit in USD Expiration date of offer Contact name Postal address Website Telephone
8204 8 de Agosto Hydro Peru 20000 3 2025/03/10 Alexis Osorno Avenida Ricardo Palma 341 oficina 503, Miraflores, 15074 www.polarisrei.com +50589887735
3179 Jincheng Chengzhuang 18 MW coal mine methane power generation project Methane avoidance China 345632 0.5 2025/04/08 Biao Sun No.5 Building of North Hong Village Beishidian Town Jincheng City Shanxi China +86 13811201619
3179 Jincheng Chengzhuang 18 MW coal mine methane power generation project Methane avoidance China 100000 0.5 2025/04/08 Biao Sun No.5 Building of North Hong Village Beishidian Town Jincheng City Shanxi China +86 13811201619