CDM Registry
Institutional background
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its first session, held at Montreal from 28 November to 10 December 2005, established that the CDM Executive Board shall develop and maintain the CDM registry according to the requirements set out in Appendix D to the report (FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8/Add.1).
These requirements specify that the CDM registry is to be in the form of a standardized electronic database that ensures the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding and acquisition of CERs. In order to do so, Appendix D to Decision 3/CMP.1 provides guidance on the different account types to be available in the CDM registry, provisions for unique serial numbers, conditions for the forwarding of CERs and publicly available information about the operation of the CDM registry.
This document also establishes that
The Executive Board shall establish and maintain a CDM registry to ensure the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding, transfer and acquisition of CERs by Parties not included in Annex I.
The Executive Board shall identify a registry administrator to maintain the registry under its authority.
(3/CMP.1, Annex, Appendix D, paragraph 1). The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism designated the UNFCCC Secretariat as the CDM registry administrator at its thirteenth meeting.
The Annual report (2003–2004) of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties also states that the Board agreed that the secretariat is to be the CDM registry administrator with responsibility, under the authority of the Board, for implementing and operating the CDM registry (CP/2004/2/ paragraph 59).
Publicly available information can be found on the issuance of CERs section.
Information about the amount of CERs allocated to the Adaptation Fund account can be found here
The Executive Board provided further guidance for the work of the CDM registry at its subsequent meetings. The reports of each meeting containing the corresponding decisions can be found on the EB section .
Voluntary Cancellation of CERs:
Voluntary cancellation allows project participants who hold certified emission reductions (CERs) in the CDM registry to cancel them on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties. This gives them access to a broader source of demand for CERs in the voluntary market, while making a diverse portfolio of credits available to organizations and individuals wishing to reduce their carbon footprint. Interested buyers can filter available CERs by country and/or project type to ensure that their purchases are in line with organizational goals or personal preferences.View list of all CERs cancelled to date in the CDM Registry
- View list of CERs available for voluntary cancellation
+ Create an expression of interest for CERs (you will need to create a My CDM account and log in)
FOR SELLERS - Advertise CERs available for voluntary cancellation (you will need to create a My CDM account and log in)
- View list of CERs wanted
For more information on how to voluntarily cancel CERs in the CDM Registry, click here
CDM Registry News - Operational
23 April 2015 - Update of nomenclature of CDM Registry forms
As per information included in the report of the 83rd meeting of the Executive Board the following CDM Registry forms have been renamed: CDM-MOC-FORM - Modalities of communication statement (version 02.2); CDM-RA-FORM - CDM Registry holding account opening request form (version 01.6), CDM-RA-Change-FORM - To request changes to holding accounts in the CDM Registry (version 3.0); CDM-FWD-FORM - Forwarding/voluntary cancellation form (version 3.0)
4 December 2014 — Issuances over the Christmas holiday period.
Due to closure of the secretariat on 25 and 26 December 2014 and 1 and 2 January 2015, issuances which fall on any of the above-mentioned dates will be processed on the following business day.
4 December 2014 — CDM Registry operations in December 2014
In order to ensure completion of requests to forward CERs by 31 December 2014, project participants are kindly requested to submit signed F-CDM-FWD forms to arrive at the secretariat no later than 17 December 2014 close of business.
The CDM Registry will operate with reduced capacity between the period 22 December 2014 and 5 January 2015. Please note that no transactions will be processed on 31 December 2014 due to the closure of the ITL for end of year maintenance.
27 June 2013 — Notification of planned downtime of ETS registries
ETS registries will be unable to accept or carry out transactions between 0800 hrs UTC on 1/7/2013 and 0800 hrs UTC on 8/7/2013 due to technical maintenance of the CSEUR. The CDM Registry will therefore be unable to process transactions to ETS registries during the above-mentioned period and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
28 March 2013 — Measures related to processing of requests for issuance that had been delayed in late 2012: Information and update
The CDM Executive Board at EB 71 requested the secretariat to put in place measures to prioritize and expedite requests for issuance that had been delayed as a result of the previous prioritization of requests for registration in late 2012. In response to this request, the secretariat took two specific actions. First, it identified all requests for issuance that had waited for more than two weeks before the commencement of the completeness check. Second, for those projects only, the secretariat invited project participants for the affected projects to inform the secretariat whether the delay was having an impact on their project on their project activity, and explain how.
For those cases where the project participants had substantiated a significant impact of the delay, and for those issuance requests only, the relevant project participants were invited to make the SOP-Admin payment after publication of the respective requests for issuance and/or to request expedited authentication of the requests for forwarding (this was achieved using the standard process for electronic submission).
Please note that the above measures were of a temporary nature and implemented to deal with a backlog that had built since the end of 2012. The measures are no longer in effect as the waiting times for requests for issuance have returned to within the timelines recommended by the CMP.
04 December 2012 — Deadline to submit CER forwarding requests for 2012 processing
Should project participants wish to ensure completion of requests to forward CERs by 31 December 2012, they are kindly requested to submit original signed F-CDM-FWD forms to arrive at the secretariat no later than 17 December 2012 close of business.
Please note that 28 December 2012 will be the last day for processing CER forwarding requests received by the CDM Registry in 2012 due to the unavailability of the ITL on 31 December 2012.
23 November 2012 — Release of modified interface for requesting voluntary cancellation from the pending account of the CDM registry
The secretariat is pleased to announce that the interface for forwarding of CERs/tCERs has been adapted to allow for the voluntary cancellation of the same. Similarly to the forwarding of CERs the focal point(s) for scope (a), should upload a voluntary cancellation request using the link included in the issuance notification message. For further guidance on voluntary cancellation procedures please refer to the How to/Guidance section on the CDM Registry web page.
15 November 2012 — Introduction of voluntary cancellation in the CDM registry
For requests for voluntary cancellation of units from Permanent Holding Accounts in the CDM registry, account holders are requested to contact the CDM registry team at to obtain a temporary transfer form for this purpose.
Project participants may submit notifications of units available for cancellation as per the procedurefor implementing voluntary cancellation in the CDM registry. To proceed with a submission please refer to section "Voluntary Cancellation" on this web page. Please note that the functionality will be activated in the late afternoon.
Notification of delay on implementation of voluntary cancellation requests from the pending account of the CDM registry:
The CDM Registry regrets to inform users that due to unforeseen technical issues the deployment of the interface to enable the submission of requests for voluntary cancellation of units from the pending account of the CDM registry will only be available from 23 November 2012.
9 August 2012 — Update on EU account information in the CDM Registry
Further to clarifications received on the operations of the Union Registry (European Community) and confirmation of the continuation of the EU member state Kyoto registries, the CDM Registry Administrator is discontinuing transfers of CERs to Union Registry accounts, i.e. accounts holding an EU prefix, with immediate effect. This announcement supersedes related information posted on 6 July 2012 'EU accounts in the CDM Registry'.
30 July 2012 — Transitional arrangements to the F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1
Following the implementation of the electronic F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1, on 27 July 2012, and in line with the revised end date of 31 January 2013 for the submission of any requests for registration/issuance under current rules (EB68 report, Annex 33), project participants are encouraged to start uploading version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOC for post-registration changes as soon as possible due to the fact that the electronic interface for post-registration changes has already been converted to reflect version 02.1. From 1 February 2013 all requests for changes to the F-CDM-MOC should be submitted using version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOC only.
24 July 2012 — unavailability of the MoC electronic interface
The MoC electronic interface will be unavailable for 24 hours from 25 July 23:59:59. For further information on the deployment of the new F-CDM-MOC, please refer to CDM Registry News - Operational - 11 May 2012 : Implementation of electronic F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1.
The interface will be fully operational as of Friday, 27 July 2012. -
6 July 2012 — EU accounts in the CDM Registry
The CDM Registry has been updated to support account references with EU as a Party code for CER transfer purposes. Henceforth focal points may enter either their new EU account number in the CDM interface or continue to use the Party code and account number previously allocated which is still valid for CDM purposes. Kindly ensure that the EU or Party code is followed by the applicable account number and account type to ensure smooth processing.
11 May 2012 — Implementation of electronic F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1
Registration: Up until 30 September 2012, entities may choose to submit either version 01.4 or version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOCthrough their validating DOE according to the selected track for submitting a request for registration.
Post-registration changes: Effective 27 July 2012, the MoC electronic interface for post registration changes will be updated to reflect version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOC. Project participants should note that effective 27 July 2012, any post-registration changes should be requested by using only version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOC as a result of the updated electronic interface. Up until the switch between F-CDM-MOC versions, version 01.4 should be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to the request for changes, however, the secretariat will also accept the use of the new 02.1 F-CDM-MOC.
To avoid discrepancies between the version of the electronic interface and the submitted pdf file, project participants are encouraged to print the F-CDM-MOC for signature from the interface. In F-CDM-MOC, Section 3: Statement of Agreement, the fields "Full name of authorized signatory", "Signature" and "Date" as well as the fields "Signature" and "Date" elsewhere in any of the MOC forms should be completed by hand after the respective form is printed from the interface prior to uploading a scanned version of the fully completed form.
9 May 2012 — Temporary unavailability of CDM Registry during transition to single Union Registry
Due to the imminent transition of EU member state registries to a single common emissions registry the CDM Registry will be unavailable to process forwarding transactions designated to EU national registries from 3 to 19 June 2012. Focal points are therefore encouraged to submit any CER forwarding requests to accounts with affected national registries to arrive at the secretariat by 28 May 2012 in order to ensure their completion prior to suspension of EU registry operations on 3 June 2012.
*Please note that requests for forwarding of CERs to non-EU registry accounts will not be affected by the above-mentioned closure period and will continue to be processed in the normal manner.
05 April 2012 — F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1: main changes in brief
Following the decision of the Executive Board to adopt the “Clean Development Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure” at its 65th meeting in Bonn, project participants are required to use the F-CDM-MOC, version 02.1, when submitting a new MOC statement. The main changes of the new form to be effective 1 May 2012 are:
- 1. The introduction of a new section in the F-CDM-MOC with regard to a focal point entity’s change in name or legal status for post-registration submissons only.
- 1.1. Should the focal point entity changing its name or legal status also be a project participant, a new F-CDM-MOC should be submitted together with a DNA confirmation; the Annex 2 is no longer a requirement in such cases.
- 1.2. Should the focal point entity changing its name or legal status also be a project participant, and the same signatories apply for the entity in its role as focal point and as a project participant, there is no requirement to submit a separate Annex 2 to update the contact details of the project participant.
- 2. As per CDM Project Cycle Procedure, paragraph 169, on first time nomination of a focal point entity, the focal point(s) for scope (b) shall provide written evidence of:
- (a) The new focal point’s corporate identity, and
- (b) The personal identity and employment status of the new focal point’s authorized signatory(ies), including their specimen signature(s).
For detailed instructions on the above, please refer to the standard F-CDM-MOC template on the Registry website.
19 March 2012 — Introducing the new F-CDM-MOC
In conjunction with the adoption of new procedures at EB65, the secretariat has published related forms including the new F-CDM-MOC (version 02.1) on the CDM website which is shown together with the current MoC form (version 01.4) at the following link:
Due to the fact that version 02.1 of the F-CDM-MOC only becomes effective on 1 May 2012, project participants are encouraged to continue to use version 01.4 of the MoC form until that date. It is anticipated that the new MoC statement will be available electronically as of 1 May 2012, however, users are kindly requested to refer to the CDM Registry website for updates on progress in this regard. Should there be an extended delay in implementing the electronic form, interim arrangements will be put in place to allow for an extended use of the old MoC form.
18 Jan 12 —Validity period for submitted CER forwarding requests
CER forwarding requests submitted electronically which are not supported by a signed F-CDM-FORWCERS form received at the secretariat within 90 days of the original submission will be automatically rejected unless CDM Registry is requested by focal point entities to extend the validity period for a justified reason.
CDM Registry News - Regulatory
10 July 2013 — Commitment Period 2 (CP2) deployment
Commitment Period 2 (CP2) capabilities related to requests for issuance and forwarding of units will be available to stakeholders from Friday 12 July 2013. The new functionality includes the option to request issuance/forwarding of units from Commitment Period 1 (CP1) and Commitment Period 2 (CP2) or a combination of units from both commitment periods.
20 June 2013 — Commitment Period 2 (CP2) capabilities to be deployed
Commitment Period 2 (CP2) capabilities related to requests for issuance and forwarding are expected to be deployed for external users in the second week of July 2013.
16 October 2012 — Introduction of voluntary cancellation of units in the CDM Registry: Date of launching 15 November 2012
Further to its adoption by the Executive Board at its 69th meeting, the CDM Registry is pleased to announce the introduction of a Voluntary Cancellation Accountfor the purpose of cancelling CER/lCER/tCER units on a voluntary basis.
The voluntary cancellation mechanism will allow project participants who hold CERs/tCERs/lCERs in either a holding account or the pending account in the CDM Registry to cancel units on their own behalf or on behalf of third parties. Upon confirmation of a voluntary cancellation request the CDM Registry will issue an 'Attestation of Voluntary Cancellation' to the requestor of the cancellation transaction and publish the information on the CDM Registry web site.
Reports on transactions related to Voluntary Cancellations will be published on a bi-weekly basis on the 'Public Reports' section of the CDM Registry web page.
Voluntary cancellation transactions shall be requested following the normal procedures for forwarding from holding accounts and from the pending account of the CDM Registry. Detailed information on how to request voluntary cancellation will be published prior to the release date on the CDM Registry News - Operational page and on the How to/ Guidance section of the CDM Registry web page.
A web-based facility will be created on the CDM Registry web page to serve as a platform to facilitate interaction with potential providers of units for voluntary cancellation. The Voluntary Cancellation Service will provide a transparent and accessible forum for exchange of information. Further information on how to use the platform will also be published prior to the release date on the CDM Registry News - Operational page and on the How to/ Guidance section of the CDM Registry web page.
20 June 2012 — Activation of single Union registry for EU member States
The full activation of the EU Emissions Trading System single registry, including the migration of over 30,000 EU ETS accounts from national registries, is scheduled to take place on 20 June 2012. The transition timetable is as follows:Starting on 14 May 2012 at 10:00 CEST, account holders will not be able to open or close accounts or to modify account and account representative details, neither in national registries nor in the single registry.
From 3 June 2012 at 10:00 CEST, the operation of national registries and the single registry will be suspended and account holders will not be able to access registry accounts - including allowances held in these accounts.
On 20 June 2012 at 12:00 CEST, the single registry will be fully activated. Users of existing national registries will be able to use the single registry as soon as they receive their new authentication credentials from their national administrator.
Type of accounts
+ Pending account+ Adaptation fund account
+ Temporary holding accounts
+ Permanent holding accounts
Further information
- Transaction types allowed in the CDM registry
- SOP for the Adaptation Fund
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