Project: 4226 Utilisation of the thermal energy content of the waste gas of clinker cooler and pre-heater for power generation at a cement plant in Rajasthan - History
Project 4226: Utilisation of the thermal energy content of the waste gas of clinker cooler and pre-heater for power generation at a cement plant in Rajasthan
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB63
(at which the review were/will be considered)
Review documentation
Amount of Reductions 40,026 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
CDM-PDD project design document (710 KB)

PDD appendices
4226_RfR_BCL Chanderia_Baseline_20110427.xls (29 KB)
4226_RfR_BCL Chanderia_ER calculations_20110427.xls (47 KB)
4226_RfR_BCL Chanderia_Financial Calculations_20110427.xls (119 KB)
4226_RfR_BCL Chanderia_certificate of capital investment_20110427.pdf (766 KB)
Validation Report Validation report (2367 KB)