09:05 22 Dec 24
0593 15.4 MW wind farm at Satara District, Maharashtra.
- Issuance Request
Project | 0593: 15.4 MW wind farm at Satara District, Maharashtra. |
ISSUANCE STATUS | Issued (on 19 Jun 08) |
Monitoring period | 01 Apr 02 - 31 Mar 07 |
Monitoring report | Monitoring report (61 KB) |
Request for issuance |
Signed form (743 KB)
Before corrections: Signed form (743 KB) |
Amount of CERs |
CERs issued up to 31 December 2012:
Serial Range:
Block start: IN-5-42910160-1-1-0-593
Block end: IN-5-43009573-1-1-0-593
Before corrections: 99414 |
Verification and certification reports |
Certification report (229 KB)
Verification report (229 KB) Before corrections: Certification report (227 KB) Verification report (227 KB) |
Additional documents |
Revised monitoring report (124 KB)
Daily generation data (1801 KB) CER calculation sheet (78 KB) Before corrections: Revised monitoring report v 03 (110 KB) Daily generation data (1801 KB) CER calculation sheet (78 KB) |
Request for review |
Request 1
Request 2 Request 3 EB meeting: EB37 (at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team) Initial comments: DOE initial comments (36 KB) Annex 1 - calibration certificate (432 KB) Revised Verification report clean version (412 KB) Revised Verification report with mark-ups (308 KB) PP initial comments (6467 KB) Annex 1 (1575 KB) Annex 2 (33 KB) Annex 3 (877 KB) Annex 4 (281 KB) Annex 5 (333 KB) Annex 6 (233 KB) Annex 7 (342 KB) Revised Monitoring report clean version (106 KB) Revised Monitoring report with mark-ups (502 KB) |
Review |
Scope (92 KB)
EB meeting: EB38 (at which the report of the review team was/will be considered) |
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