Standardized Baselines
How to submit an updated standardized baseline
Parties, project participants, international industry organizations or admitted observer organizations may propose an updated standardized baseline through the DNA of a Party for which the updated standardized baseline is proposed.
The DNA submitting the proposed updated standardized baseline shall submit to the UNFCCC via the following:
(a) The duly completed “Approved standardized baseline update request form” (CDM-ASU-FORM);
(b) The proposed updated standardized baseline, highlighting the proposed changes to the approved standardized baseline;
(c) All additional documentation supporting the submission (e.g. relevant data and documents including a quality control report, statistics, studies, etc.), where applicable. Data used to establish the proposed updated standardized baseline shall be provided in one of the following sector-specific data templates:
(i) A sector-specific data template published by the secretariat on the UNFCCC CDM website in accordance with the modalities in appendix 1 to the Procedure. If no applicable data template is available on the UNFCCC CDM website at the time of the DNA’s submission, the proponent may submit a new data template or request a revision or clarification of the published data template in accordance with the modalities in appendix 1 of the Procedure;
(ii) A sector-specific data template prepared in accordance with an approved methodology or methodological tool, if the proposed standardized baseline is developed using the approved methodology or methodological tool;
(d) An assessment report on the proposed updated standardized baseline. The assessment report shall be prepared by a DOE contracted by either the DNA or any other entity under agreement with the DNA”. The assessment report shall include the DOE’s positive assessment opinion on the compliance of:
(i) the quality assurance and quality control system with the provisions and data quality objectives of the “Guidelines for quality assurance and quality control of data in the establishment of standardized baselines”;
(ii) the proposed standardized baseline with the approach or combination of approaches or deviation from the approach(es) used to develop it.
(e) Letters of approval on the proposed updated standardized baseline from all the DNAs of the Parties where it applies to a group of Parties.
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