ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas --- Version 12.0.0

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Title Flaring or use of landfill gas (334 KB)

Tools referenced in this methodology:

Version number
Scale Large scale --- Consolidated
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 25 Nov 11 to 10 May 12
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Sources Replaces: AM0002 , AM0003 , AM0010 , AM0011
Revisions* Revision of ACM0001 to include landfill gas utilization in glass melting furnaces (submitted 24 Jan 12): AM_REV_0231 (149 KB)
Previous Versions
Title Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 11 (353 KB)
Version number 11.0
Validity Valid from 11 Jun 09 to 24 Nov 11
Requests for registration can be submitted until 25 Jul 2012 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Revisions* Revision of ACM0001 to include landfill gas utilization in kilns (submitted 21 Mar 11): AM_REV_0210 (176 KB)
Revised ACM0001 ver12 (submitted 22 Aug 11): AM_REV_0221 (184 KB)
Title Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 10 (348 KB)
Version number 10.0
Validity Valid from 27 Feb 09 to 10 Jun 09
Requests for registration can be submitted until 10 Feb 2010 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Title Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 9 (324 KB)
Version number 9.1
Validity Valid from 16 Aug 08 to 26 Feb 09
Requests for registration can be submitted until 26 Oct 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Clarifications regarding the project emissions (submitted 26 Sep 08): AM_CLA_0128 (127 KB)
Guidance on continued applicability of methodologies in relation to changes in project plans for a registered project (submitted 26 Sep 08): AM_CLA_0129 (274 KB)
Thermal use of landfill in industrial processes (submitted 13 Nov 08): AM_CLA_0133 (122 KB)
Guidance on the monitoring and recording of temperature, pressure and the fraction of methane in the landfill gas (submitted 27 Jan 09): AM_CLA_0142 (128 KB)
Title Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 8 (331 KB)
Version number 8.1
Validity Valid from 14 Dec 07 to 15 Aug 08
Requests for registration can be submitted until 15 Apr 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Application of the methodology to a gas distribution network (submitted 14 Apr 08): AM_CLA_0086 (115 KB)
Clarification on a conflict between ACM0001 and the ‘Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane’ relating to the measurement of methane fraction and flow rate of landfill gas (wet or dry basis) (submitted 08 May 08): AM_CLA_0092 (123 KB)
Application of '95% confidence level' and 'statistically valid number of samples' requirement (submitted 16 Apr 08): AM_CLA_0095 (144 KB)
Further clarification on AM_ CLA_ 0092 – Alternatives for the correction of measured flow rate of the residual gas from wet basis to dry basis (submitted 11 Jul 08): AM_CLA_0116 (330 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 7 (282 KB)
Version number 7.0
Validity Valid from 02 Nov 07 to 13 Dec 07
Requests for registration can be submitted until 13 Aug 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 6 (280 KB)
Version number 6.0
Validity Valid from 06 Jul 07 to 01 Nov 07
Requests for registration can be submitted until 01 Jul 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Ex post monitoring of the adjustment factor for landfill projects (submitted 28 Sep 07): AM_CLA_0057 (122 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 5 (439 KB)
Version number 5.0
Validity Valid from 21 Dec 06 to 05 Jul 07
Requests for registration can be submitted until 05 Mar 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Temperature of the exhaust gases at the sampling point inside the flare (submitted 04 May 07): AM_CLA_0047 (148 KB)
Revisions* Proposal to broaden the applicability of ACM0001 to include biogas capture from anaerobic organic waste-water treatment systems using an open pond or lagoon system (submitted 12 Apr 07): AM_REV_0046 (130 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 4 (216 KB)
Version number 4.0
Validity Valid from 27 Jul 06 to 20 Dec 06
Requests for registration can be submitted until 15 Feb 2007 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 3 (212 KB)
Version number 3.0
Validity Valid from 18 May 06 to 26 Jul 06
Requests for registration can be submitted until 21 Sep 2006 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Applicability of the methodology for a project activity that aims to collect LFG and upgrade to CPLG (submitted 24 May 06): AM_CLA_0031 (132 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 2 (218 KB)
Version number 2.0
Validity Valid from 29 Sep 05 to 17 May 06
Requests for registration can be submitted until 14 Jul 2006 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Parameters to be fixed ex-ante for the entire crediting period (submitted 23 Dec 05): AM_CLA_0016 (139 KB)
Clarification on requirements for monitoring landfill gas flows (submitted 23 Feb 06): AM_CLA_0020 (137 KB)
Requirement for separate monitoring of LFG temperature and pressure (submitted 08 Mar 06): AM_CLA_0023 (133 KB)
Clarification on requirements for monitoring landfill gas flows in projects where only flaring occurs (submitted 27 Apr 06): AM_CLA_0028 (134 KB)
Revisions* Alternative approaches to monitoring flare efficiency (submitted 26 Apr 06): AM_REV_0012 (157 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project activities --- Version 1 (76 KB)
Version number 1.0
Validity Valid from 02 Sep 04 to 11 Oct 05
Sectoral scope(s) 13
Clarifications* Request for clarification on step 0 of the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality" (submitted 04 Oct 05): EB 22 meeting report (237 KB)
Request for clarification on the applicability of the Methodology ACM0001 to project types that supply compressed LFG by trucks to end-users (submitted 14 Dec 12): AM_CLA_0244 (125 KB)
Procedure to determine the amount of methane that would have been captured and destroyed (by flaring) in the baseline (FCH4,BL,y) (submitted 04 Feb 15): AM_CLA_0265 (147 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.