Finalized requests for clarification on approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_CLA_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 53, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79, 80, 80, 84 or 84.

There are 315 matching requests:

Displaying 1-20 of 315

Reference Request for clarification Current Status Last update
AM_CLA_0315 Clarification on use of baseline fuel (coal and/or petroleum fuel) in the project scenario under ACM0011 EB link added 11 Jun 24
AM_CLA_0314 Applicability of AM0110 methodology for LPG transportation through pipeline EB link added 11 Jun 24
AM_CLA_0313 Clarification request about applicability criteria of the AM0117 methodology-Introduction of a new district cooling system EB link added 11 Jun 24
AM_CLA_0312 Clarification on the applicability of ACM0006 or ACM0018 for a bioenergy project involving cultivation of miscanthus for biogas production and subsequent RE generation EB link added 26 Mar 24
AM_CLA_0311 Clarification regarding the applicability of CDM methodology AM0123 EB link added 26 Mar 24
AM_CLA_0310 Clarification on applicability of ACM0002 or AM0123 to grid-connected renewable energy projects supplying electricity to a third party consumer wherein consumer and producers are different entities EB link added 22 Jan 24
AM_CLA_0309 Clarification on the frequency of TKN testing requirements under AM0073 EB link added 05 Feb 24
AM_CLA_0308 Clarification on the applicability of ACM0017 for ethanol production in excess of mandatory regulations EB link added 08 Sep 23
AM_CLA_0307 Clarification on the use of a specific type of bacteria in anaerobic wastewater treatment systems under AM0080 EB link added 19 Jun 23
AM_CLA_0306 Clarification on the applicability of ACM0025 to new natural gas power plants that are not connected to the electric grid EB link added 28 Sep 23
AM_CLA_0305 Clarification on the use of imported waste oil under ACM0017 EB link added 21 Jun 23
AM_CLA_0304 Clarification on applicability of ACM0002 to grid-connected renewable energy projects supplying electricity to a captive consumer EB link added 18 Apr 23
AM_CLA_0303 Clarification request on the applicability of ACM0017 to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Jet Biofuels Production Project EB link added 20 Jan 23
AM_CLA_0302 Clarification request on the applicability of ACM0022 to food/kitchen waste EB link added 20 Jan 23
AM_CLA_0301 Clarification on the applicability of ACM0001 and eligibility under TOOL32 for the upgrade and utilization of landfill gas EB link added 29 Oct 22
AM_CLA_0300 Clarification on the transportation of cargo through ferry under AM0090 EB link added 15 Nov 22
AM_CLA_0299 Clarification on the application of the monthly average temperature in AM0073 EB link added 13 Sep 22
AM_CLA_0298 Clarification on the use of a waste gas under AM0063 EB link added 01 Jun 22
AM_CLA_0297 Clarification regarding application of ACM0002 for captive purpose EB link added 10 Sep 24
AM_CLA_0296 Recovery of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) under AM0009 EB link added 16 Mar 22