Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)


Under the Clean Development Mechanism, emission-reduction projects in developing countries can earn certified emission reduction credits. These saleable credits can be used by industrialized countries to meet a part of their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol. more »

Rules on mandatory site visits by DOEs relaxed

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mandatory site visits by DOEs have been relaxed temporarily. more >>

CDM Governance - meetings and documentation RSS

+ CDM-AP 99 annotations and report available more>> 
+ MP 95 annotations available more >> 
+ CDM EB 122 report available more>>

Reminder - Deadline renewal of crediting period

The CDM Executive Board at its 100th meeting decided (EB 100 meeting report, paragraph 32) to revise the process for renewal of crediting period, introducing a deadline for the submission of a request for renewal of crediting period (i.e. one year after the expiry of the crediting period). Missing the deadline would make the requesting for renewal not possible. more >>

Achievements report

Read about and download
the CDM Achievements report

Warning - Exercise caution, undertake due diligence

The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (the “UNFCCC”), has been made aware of activities in respect of which the UNFCCC makes the following clarifications:

  • The Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board (CDM EB) has established committees, panels or working groups, as per need, to assist it in the performance of its functions. Various individuals are appointed to serve on panels and rosters, or appointed to serve on teams as experts.

  • All organizations should exercise appropriate caution and undertake adequate due diligence when dealing with or engaging in business with individuals claiming affiliation to or specific status with respect to the UNFCCC and the CDM.

  • The rules relating to the CDM, including those relating to entities that can engage in the CDM can be found at CDM Rules and Reference and About the CDM at For further information, if approached by someone claiming to be a CDM expert, the UNFCCC can be contacted at

  • With regard to a Mr./Dr. Dubi Spiegler/Shpigler: The UNFCCC states and underlines that this individual is in no way affiliated with or related to the UNFCCC and is not an “authorized representative” or any sort of “special expert” of the UNFCCC. The UNFCCC has not authorized this individual to use the logo or name of the UNFCCC.  The UNFCCC has repeatedly requested this individual to cease claiming affiliation to the UNFCCC and to refrain from using the logo or name of the UNFCCC.

This communication is without prejudice to the privileges and immunities of the United Nations and the UNFCCC secretariat.

CDM Calendar View all

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January 2017

No events scheduled

February 2017

  • 77th Meeting of the AP on 7th9th in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 93rd Meeting of the EB on 20th24th in Bonn, Germany more »

March 2017

  • 72nd Meeting of the MP on 20th24th in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 53rd Meeting of the SSC WG on 20th23rd in Bonn, Germany more »

April 2017

No events scheduled

May 2017

  • 94th Meeting of the EB on 2nd5th in Bonn, Germany more »

June 2017

  • 78th Meeting of the AP on 5th7th in Bonn, Germany more »

July 2017

  • 95th Meeting of the EB on 11th13th in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 73rd Meeting of the MP on 17th21st in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 54th Meeting of the SSC WG on 17th20th in Bonn, Germany more »

August 2017

No events scheduled

September 2017

  • 96th Meeting of the EB on 18th22nd in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 74th Meeting of the MP on 25th29th in Bonn, Germany more »

October 2017

  • 79th Meeting of the AP on 11th13th in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 97th Meeting of the EB on 30th3rd in Bonn, Germany more »

November 2017

No events scheduled

December 2017

No events scheduled

January 2018

No events scheduled

February 2018

  • 80th Meeting of the AP on 5–6 February in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 98th Meeting of the EB on 27 February–2 March in Bonn, Germany more »

March 2018

  • 75th Meeting of the MP on 19–21 March in Bonn, Germany more »

April 2018

  • 99th Meeting of the EB on 23–26 April in Bonn, Germany more »

May 2018

  • AE/DOE Calibration on 28 May in Bonn, Germany

June 2018

  • 76th Meeting of the MP on 5–8 June in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 81st Meeting of the AP on 13–15 June in Bonn, Germany more »

July 2018

No events scheduled

August 2018

  • 100th Meeting of the EB on 27–31 August in Bangkok, Thailand more »

September 2018

  • 19th Meeting of the Global CDM Designated National Authorities Forum on 19–20 September in Bonn, Germany

October 2018

  • 77th Meeting of the MP on 2–5 October in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 82nd Meeting of the AP on 9–10 October in Bonn, Germany more »

November 2018

  • 101st Meeting of the EB on 26–29 November in Katowice, Poland more »

December 2018

No events scheduled

January 2019

No events scheduled

February 2019

  • 83rd Meeting of the AP on 11–12 February in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 78th Meeting of the MP on 26 Febuary–1 March in Bonn, Germany more »

March 2019

  • 78th Meeting of the MP on 26 Febuary–1 March in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 102nd Meeting of the EB on 25–28 March in Bonn, Germany more »

April 2019

No events scheduled

May 2019

  • 79th Meeting of the MP on 6–9 May in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 84th Meeting of the AP on 21–22 May in Bonn, Germany more »

June 2019

  • 103rd Meeting of the EB on 12–14 June in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 20th Meeting of the CDM DNA Forum and one-day technical workshop on 12–14 June in Bonn, Germany

July 2019

No events scheduled

August 2019

No events scheduled

September 2019

  • 104th Meeting of the EB on 9–12 September in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 80th Meeting of the MP on 23–26 September in Bonn, Germany more »

October 2019

  • 85th Meeting of the AP on 15–16 October in Bonn, Germany more »

November 2019

  • 105th Meeting of the EB on 25–28 November in conjunction with CMP15 more »

December 2019

No events scheduled

January 2020

No events scheduled

February 2020

  • 81st Meeting of the MP on 17–20 February in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 86th Meeting of the AP on 24–25 February in Bonn, Germany more »

March 2020

  • 106th Meeting of the EB on 11–13 May and 27–29 May in Bonn, Germany - Tentatively rescheduled to May 2020 more »

April 2020

No events scheduled

May 2020

  • 87th Meeting of the AP on 7–8 May in Bonn, Germany - Rescheduled to September 2020 more »
  • 106th Meeting of the EB on *11–13 May 2020* and *27–29 May 2020* (Virtual meeting) more »

June 2020

  • Resumed: 106th Meeting of the EB on 12 June 2020 (Virtual meeting) in Bonn, Germany more »
  • 82nd Meeting of the MP on 15–17 June and 25–26 June - Virtual more »

July 2020

No events scheduled

August 2020

No events scheduled

September 2020

  • 107th Meeting of the EB on 21–23 September, 30 September to 2 October (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 87th Meeting of the AP on 1–4 September (Virtual meeting) more »

October 2020

  • Continued: 107th Meeting of the EB on 5 October (Virtual meeting) more »

November 2020

  • 83rd Meeting of the MP on 2–9 November (Virtual meeting) more »

December 2020

  • 108th Meeting of the EB on 1–3 December, 9–11 December and 14 December (Virtual meeting) more »

January 2021

No events scheduled

February 2021

No events scheduled

March 2021

  • 109th Meeting of the EB on 1 to 3 March and 9 to 11 March (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 88th Meeting of the AP on 17–19 March (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 84th Meeting of the MP on 22–26 March (Virtual meeting) more »

April 2021

No events scheduled

May 2021

  • 110th Meeting of the EB on 17–27 May (Virtual meeting) more »

June 2021

  • 89th Meeting of the AP on 29 June–1 July (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 85th Meeting of the MP on 21–25 June (Virtual meeting) more »

July 2021

  • Continued: 89th Meeting of the AP on 1 July (Virtual meeting) more »

August 2021

  • 111th Meeting of the EB on 30 August to 1 September and 7–9 September (Virtual meeting) more »

September 2021

  • Continued: 111th Meeting of the EB on 30 August to 1 September and 7–9 September (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 86th Meeting of the MP on 20–24 September in Bonn, Germany (Virtual meeting)more »
  • 90th Meeting of the AP on 28–30 September (Virtual meeting) more »

October 2021

  • 112th Meeting of the EB on 26–29 October in Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    (in conjunction with CMP 16) more » 

November 2021

No events scheduled

December 2021

No events scheduled

January 2022

No events scheduled

February 2022

  • 87th Meeting of the MP on 7–11 February (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 91st Meeting of the AP on 22–24 February (Virtual meeting) more »

March 2022

  • 113th Meeting of the EB on 8 to 11 March in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

April 2022

No events scheduled

May 2022

  • 114th Meeting of the EB on 30 May to 2 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

June 2022

  • Continued: 114th Meeting of the EB on 30 May to 2 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • 92nd Meeting of the AP on 20–21 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • 88th Meeting of the MP on 28–30June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

July 2022

August 2022

September 2022

  • 115th Meeting of the EB on 5–8 September in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • 93rd Meeting of the AP on 21–22 September in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • 89th Meeting of the MP on 27–29 September in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

October 2022

 + 116th Meeting of the EB on 31 October to 3 November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (in conjunction with the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and with possibility to attend virtually) more »

November 2022

 + Continued:116th Meeting of the EB on 31 October to 3 November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (in conjunction with the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and with possibility to attend virtually) more »

December 2022

No events scheduled

January 2023

No events scheduled

February 2023

  • 90th Meeting of the MP on 14–17 February (Virtual meeting) more »
  • 94th Meeting of the AP on 15–17 February (Virtual meeting) more »
  • March 2023

    • 117th Meeting of the EB on 22 to 24 March in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    April 2023

    No events scheduled

    May 2023

    • 118th Meeting of the EB on 30 May to 1 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    June 2023

    • Continued: 118th Meeting of the EB on 30 May to 1 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
    • 95th Meeting of the AP on 29–30 June in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    July 2023

    • 91st Meeting of the MP on 5–7 July in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    August 2023

    September 2023

    • 119th Meeting of the EB on 25–27 September in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    October 2023

    • 96th Meeting of the AP on 11–12 October in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
    • 92nd Meeting of the MP on 4–6 October in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    November 2023

    • 120th Meeting of the EB on 26–28 November in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (In conjunction with the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    December 2023

    No events scheduled

    January 2024

    No events scheduled

    February 2024

  • 97th Meeting of the AP on 21-22 February in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • 93rd Meeting of the MP on 13-15 February in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • March 2024

    • 121st Meeting of the EB 20 to 22 March in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    April 2024

  • 98th Meeting of the AP on 23 and 24 April in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
  • May 2024

    • 94th Meeting of the MP on 6-8 May in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
    • 122nd Meeting of the EB 29 to 31 May in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    June 2024

    No events scheduled

    July 2024

    No events scheduled

    August 2024

    No events scheduled

    September 2024

    • 99th Meeting of the AP on 17 and 18 September in Bonn, Germany (with possibility to attend virtually) more »
    • 95th Meeting of the MP on 30 September to 2 October (Virtual) more »

    October 2024

    • 95th Meeting of the MP on 30 September to 2 October (Virtual) more »

    November 2024

    • 123rd Meeting of the EB on 6 to 8 November in TBC (In conjunction with the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and with possibility to attend virtually) more »

    December 2024

    No events scheduled

    Open calls for input View all

    No calls for public input is scheduled at this time.

    CDM Sights and Sounds View all

    • The benefits of CDM
      The benefits of CDM
      CDM projects can help local communities in Africa by providing opportunities for sustainable development, creating employment or increased economic activity, improving air quality, and transferring technology. CDM projects can also earn credits that are tradable and saleable.

      Lea Ricolcol, "Sunset at the Wind Farm", CDM Project 0453: NorthWind Bangui Bay Project
    • Wood stoves in Nigeria
      Wood stoves in Nigeria
      In Nigeria, firewood consumption has led to severe deforestation and desertification. Highly efficient wood stoves are helping to tackle this problem. Households are saving money, youth are finding employment, and time that used to be spent collecting wood is now going to income generation.

      Yahaya Ahmed, "Learning how to assemble a wood stove", CDM Project 2711: Efficient Fuel Wood Stoves for Nigeria
    • Solar panels in South Africa
      Solar panels in South Africa
      Families in Kuyasa, a low-income informal settlement in the Khayelitsha township, have not only managed to cut their electricity costs, but are also doing their bit to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

    • Waste collection and treatment in Côte d'Ivoire
      Waste collection and treatment in Côte d'Ivoire
      This waste-to-energy project will collect and treat 200,000 tonnes of urban waste annually using anaerobic digesters. The resulting biogas will be used to produce electricity, while residual waste will be transformed into compost.

    • Papermill in South Africa
      Papermill in South Africa
      This fuel switch project reduces fossil fuel use and brings additional benefits, such as the long-term sustainability of the local paper mill and economic improvement in the area where the project is located.

    CDM Projects RSS

    Registered projects: 7839
    Registered PoAs: 365
    CERs Issued for Project Activities: 2,376,988,028
    CERs Issued for Programme of Activities: 73,033,202



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