04:58 05 Dec 24
- Review requested
This page shows requests for REGISTRATION and requests for RENEWAL OF CREDITING PERIOD of project activities under review.
Requests for ISSUANCE under review can be found here: https://cdm.unfccc.int/Issuance/review.html
Requests for registration
Requests for ISSUANCE under review can be found here: https://cdm.unfccc.int/Issuance/review.html
Requests for registration
A review has been requested by either a Party involved or at least three Board members for the below listed requests for registration.
The review will be processed in accordance with the CDM project cycle procedure
The following table lists the requests for registration of proposed CDM project actvities for which review has been requested.
A schedule for the reviews of these requests can be found here.
Ref | Title |
Request for review
Reasons for review | EB meeting | ||
No projects are currently in this state |
For more details on requests for review, please refer to the current "Clarifications to facilitate the implementation of the procedures for review as referred to in paragraph 41 of the CDM modalities and procedures".
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