Finalized requests for deviation

In accordance with the current Procedures for requests for deviation a Designated Operation Entity may submit request for deviation regarding a project activity at the validation or verification stage.

Requests for deviation by DOEs and the responses provided by the Board are being made publicly available on this page, unless otherwise decided. The requests for deviations from the monitoring plan have the following code "I-DEV0XXX" and the deviations from an approved methodology have the following code "M-DEV0XXX".

If you are a DOE, please log in if you wish to submit a new request.

Reference of deviation request I/M-DEV
Type of request
Concerned methodology
Reference of project (for requests at verification)

There are 327 matching requests:

Displaying 221-240 of 327

Reference Request for deviation Current Status Last update
M-DEV0204 Deviation from AM0014 due to minor use of low-calorific process gas instead of natural gas
I-DEV0203 Historical generation of existing power units EGhistoric,3yr
M-DEV0202 Use of weighted average share baseline emission factor and NCV in ACM0009
M-DEV0201 Deviation for the measurement requirements for the COD removed parameter in the baseline
M-DEV0198 Deviation from the applicability criteria no. 3 of the approved consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0011
I-DEV0192 Deviation regarding calibration of meters in accordance with the monitoring plan
I-DEV0191 Direct measurement of quantity of biomass cumbusted in the Project Plant
I-DEV0189 Deviation regarding the measurement of biogas and methane production for a project under methodology AMS-III.H.
I-DEV0188 Deviation request regarding indirect measurement of biomass residues quantity and lack of measurement NCV.
M-DEV0186 CCIL - Waste Gas based Electricity Generation Project
M-DEV0185 The use of an in-situ gas analyzer for N2O concentration measurement
I-DEV0184 Deviation of the Monitoring of NCV from PCBL registered PDD for the monitoring period (2nd April 2007 to 1st April 2008)
I-DEV0182 Request for Deviation from monitoring methodology; Registered PDD (UNFCCC ref. 0706); Ref: F-CDM-SSCwg ver 01 SSC_203
I-DEV0181 Deviation from registered monitoring plan in wind farm project regarding to double check by receipt of sales and with the lack of energy meters
I-DEV0180 Request to use electricity invoices as data source for electricity generation, discounting for mean deviation in historical data.
M-DEV0179 Allowing simplified and conservative calculation of emission reduction from a CMM power plant.
I-DEV0178 Position of the Tflare probe and measure of total flow of LFG
I-DEV0168 Change of an ex-ante fixed value from validation in the verification stage by an approach that deviates from the methodology. The change would change the baseline of the project.
I-DEV0167 Deviation from registered Monitoring Plan regarding Recording Frequency of EFELEC, EFOM,y and EFBM,y
I-DEV0165 Deviation to apply Version 2 of AM0018 to deal with increase in production during crediting period due to retrofit outside project boundary including re-estimation of baseline