Project: 0545 Durban Landfill-gas-to-electricity project – Mariannhill and La Mercy Landfills - History
Project 0545: Durban Landfill-gas-to-electricity project – Mariannhill and La Mercy Landfills
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB28
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
DOE initial comments (59 KB)
Annex: Revised PDD (613 KB)
Annex: Revised validation report (391 KB)

Data before approval of the request for post-registration changes on 12 Oct 2015

Link to PRC form PRC
CDM-PDD project design document (469 KB)
Validation opinion on changes in PDD Validation opinion on changes in PDD (192 KB)

Data before approval of the request for post-registration changes on 30 Aug 2013

Link to PRC form PRC
CDM-PDD project design document (897 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - 0545_Financial 1_original (113 KB)
Appendix 2 - 0545_Financial_Scenario 1 (115 KB)
Appendix 3 - 0545_Financial_Scenario 2 (115 KB)
Appendix 4 - 0545_ER calculation (97 KB)
Appendix 5 - 0545_FOD model_example (507 KB)
Validation opinion on changes in PDD Validation opinion on changes in PDD (134 KB)

Data before acceptance of changes in PDD on 25 Nov 2011

CDM-PDD project design document (193 KB)