Project: 1667 2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman Agro Industries Limited - History
Project 1667: 2.5 MW Rice husk based cogeneration plant at Hanuman Agro Industries Limited
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB42
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
DOE Initial comments (65 KB)
PDD (382 KB)
Validation report (422 KB)
Annex 1.a. - Purchase order_Boiler_dated 8 Feb 05 (140 KB)
Annex 1.b. - Purchase order_Turbine_dated 8 Feb 05 (162 KB)
Annex 2.a. - Pre-feasibility study report (302 KB)
Annex 2.b. - NOC issued by CECB (809 KB)
Annex 2.c. - Concent to Operate (477 KB)
Annex 2.d. - NOC from CREDA (89 KB)
Annex 2.e. - Application for HCA from Indian DNA (156 KB)
Annex 2.f. - Explanation from PP regarding delay in validation process (315 KB)
Annex 3.a. - Baseline 12 TPH coal fired FBC boiler efficiency calculation (197 KB)
Annex 3.b. - Coal Consumption data 2001- 2006. (234 KB)
Review Scope (93 KB)

EB meeting: EB43
(at which the report of the review team was/will be considered)

Data before corrections

CDM-PDD project design document (414 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - Loan (96 KB)
Appendix 2 - Investment Analysis Biomass (185 KB)
Appendix 3 - Purchase Order - Tech (194 KB)
Appendix 4 - CDM Consideration (812 KB)
Appendix 5 - Investment Analysis Biomass Spreadsheet (185 KB)
Appendix 6 - Investment Analysis Coal Spreadsheet (357 KB)
Appendix 7 - Creda Letter (123 KB)
Appendix 8 - Baseline (57 KB)
Appendix 9 - Purchase Order - Old (129 KB)
Validation Report Validation report (370 KB)