Project: 8767 Cerro Pabellon Geothermal Project (Apacheta) - Crediting Period Renewal Request
Project 8767: Cerro Pabellon Geothermal Project (Apacheta)

- project design document (2046 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - ER sheet (66 KB)
Appendix 2 - EF grid 2019 v3 (1357 KB)
Appendix 3 - EF grid 2020 v2 (1314 KB)
Appendix 4 - EF grid 2021 v2 (1440 KB)

- crediting period renewal form (58 KB)
Methodologies Used ACM0002 ver. 21 - Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
VVS Version VVS-PA 3.0
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 179,840 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Validation Opinion Validation opinion (581 KB)
Renewal Date 21 Apr 23 (Renewable) Provisional (awaiting guidance from the CMP at CMP 16)   (view history)   completeness check: complete info & rep check: concluded
Crediting Period (requested for renewal) 01 Jan 22 - 31 Dec 28

Other crediting period(s): 01 Jan 15 - 31 Dec 21
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation