Project: 0456 “Blended cement with increased blend” at Orient cement’s Devapur and Jalgaon plants in India - Issuance Request
Project 0456: “Blended cement with increased blend” at Orient cement’s Devapur and Jalgaon plants in India
ISSUANCE STATUS Issued (on 03 Jun 09)  
Monitoring period 01 Apr 07 - 31 Mar 08
Monitoring report Monitoring report (317 KB)
Request for issuance Signed form (578 KB)

Before corrections:
Signed form (578 KB)
Amount of CERs CERs issued up to 31 December 2012: 99,701
Serial Range: Block start: IN-5-67057228-1-1-0-456     Block end: IN-5-67156928-1-1-0-456

Before corrections:
Verification and certification reports Certification report (234 KB)
Verification report (234 KB)

Before corrections:
Certification report (206 KB)
Verification report (206 KB)
Additional documents Monitoring report Version 2 (313 KB)
Flyash receipt (29 KB)
CER Spreadsheet (78 KB)
Electricity Consumption for conveyer system (26 KB)
Reference 17 (27 KB)
Reference 18 (563 KB)
Reference 19 (523 KB)
Reference 20 (41 KB)
Reference 21 (44 KB)

Before corrections:
Monitoring report Version 2 (313 KB)
Flyash receipt (29 KB)
CER Spreadsheet (78 KB)
Electricity Consumption for conveyer system (26 KB)
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB45
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
DOE - Initial comments (45 KB)
Annex 1 - Excel Sheets for the Calibration Detail (8684 bytes)
Review Scope (87 KB)

EB meeting: EB46
(at which the report of the review team was/will be considered)