PoA 5324 : Than Thien Small Hydropower Programme of Activities Managed by INTRACO
PoA title Than Thien Small Hydropower Programme of Activities Managed by INTRACO
- POA design document (1238 KB)

PoA DD appendices at the time of registration
Appendix 1 - Starting date_Than Thien (1203 KB)
Appendix 2 - Evidences_Than Thien (294 KB)
Appendix 3 - Than Thien PoA_GEF Calculation Sheet (134 KB)

- POA registration request form (425 KB)
SDC description report Not Available. Please refer to our Further Information on SD-Tool
CPAs - CPA design document (288 KB)

Initially submitted at the time of requesting registration of the POA:
- Nhan Co Hydropower Project

(view all CPAs)
Host Parties Viet Nam , involved indirectly approval (2132 KB) authorization (2132 KB)
Authorized Participants: Investment and Trade Consultancy Company Limited (INTRACO)
Other Parties Involved Netherlands , involved indirectly approval (271 KB) authorization (271 KB)
Authorized Participants: B.V. Mabanaft (withdrawn) ; Gunvor International B.V., Amsterdam, Geneva Branch (withdrawn)
Germany , involved indirectly approval (1078 KB) authorization (1078 KB)
Authorized Participants: Carbonbay GmbH & Co. KG
Coordinating/Managing Entity Investment and Trade Consultancy Company Limited (INTRACO)
Sectoral scopes 1 : Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources)
Activity Scale SMALL
Methodology Used AMS-I.D. ver. 17 - Grid connected renewable electricity generation
Standardized baselines used N/A
VVS Version
Amount of Reductions (PoA) 3,386 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Amount of Reductions (Initial CPAs) 3,386 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 0.0
Validation Report Validation report (924 KB)
Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability
Modalities of Communication
MoC Annex 1
Modalities of Communication valid as of 21/11/2014

MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 11/08/2017
MoC Annex 2 (Withdraw Project Participant) valid as of 21/11/2014
MoC Annex 2 (Withdraw Project Participant) valid as of 21/11/2014
MoC Annex 2 (Add Project Participant) valid as of 20/11/2014
Registration Date 20 Apr 12  
Renewal Period 20 Apr 12 - 19 Apr 19
PoA Duration 10 Oct 10 - 09 Oct 38
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation