PoA 9416 : Promotion of renewable energy generation in India- Programme of Activities
PoA title Promotion of renewable energy generation in India- Programme of Activities
- POA design document (263 KB)

- POA registration request form (683 KB)
SDC description report


CPAs - CPA design document (226 KB)

CPA DD appendices
Appendix 1 - CPA DD Generic_Solar_REG (220 KB)

Initially submitted at the time of requesting registration of the POA:
- Wind Power Project at Bakhrani, Rajasthan

(view all CPAs)
Host Parties India , involved indirectly approval (2205 KB) authorization (2205 KB)
Authorized Participants: General Carbon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd.
Other Parties Involved United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , involved indirectly approval (90 KB) authorization (90 KB)
Authorized Participants: EKI Energy Services Limited
Coordinating/Managing Entity General Carbon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd
Sectoral scopes 1 : Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources)
Activity Scale LARGE
Methodology Used ACM0002 ver. 13 - Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
Standardized baselines used N/A
VVS Version
Amount of Reductions (PoA) 48,585 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Amount of Reductions (Initial CPAs) 48,585 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 8217.0
Validation Report Validation report (609 KB)
Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability
Modalities of Communication
MoC Annex 1
Modalities of Communication valid as of 01/11/2013

MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 11/04/2024
MoC Annex 2 (Add Project Participant) valid as of 04/08/2022
MoC Annex 2 (Change/update authorized signatory, name or contact details) valid as of 10/12/2021
Registration Date 31 Dec 12  
Renewal Period 31 Dec 12 - 30 Dec 19

Other period(s): 31 Dec 19 - 30 Dec 26
PoA Duration 23 May 12 - 22 May 40
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation

Monitoring report: 01 Mar 2013 - 31 Dec 2020 (872 KB) (9416-MP1-MRP1)
Issuance request state: Monitoring report withdrawn
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Monitoring report: 01 Mar 2013 - 30 Sep 2019 (968 KB) (9416-MP1-MRP1)
Issuance request number: 9416-MP1-IRP1
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 0
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020 : 1506781
Serial Range: Block start: IN-5-317465231-2-2-0-9416     Block end: IN-5-318972011-2-2-0-9416  
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Mar 2013 - 30 Sep 2019 (485 KB) (9416-MP1-MRP2)
Issuance request number: 9416-MP1-IRP2
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 0
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020 : 2134276
Serial Range: Block start: IN-5-308439570-2-2-0-9416     Block end: IN-5-310573845-2-2-0-9416  
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Mar 2013 - 30 Sep 2019 (518 KB) (9416-MP1-MRP3)
Issuance request number: 9416-MP1-IRP3
Issuance request state: Awaiting issuance request
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Oct 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (469 KB) (9416-MP2-MRP1)
Issuance request number: 9416-MP2-IRP1
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 0
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020 : 507236
Serial Range: Block start: IN-5-307932334-2-2-0-9416     Block end: IN-5-308439569-2-2-0-9416  
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Oct 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (517 KB) (9416-MP2-MRP2)
Issuance request number: 9416-MP2-IRP2
Issuance request state: Awaiting issuance request
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