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Panels and Teams
10:00 17 Feb 25
Meth Panel meetings 59 - 61 (2013)
Meth Panel Meeting :
Date : 7- 11 October 2013
Annotated agenda (177 KB)
Agenda (12 KB)
Meeting Report (218 KB)
Conflict of Interest Overview (13 KB)
Annex 1 - Draft revision of "ACM0018: Electricity generation from biomass residues in power-only plants" (1673 KB)
Annex 2 - "AM00XX: Distribution of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) lamps to households (1100 KB)
Annex 3 - Draft revision of AM0009: Recovery and utilization of gas from oil fields that would otherwise be flared or vented" (1202 KB)
Annex 4 - Draft revision of "AM0086: Distribution of zero energy water purification systems for safe drinking water" (1112 KB)
Annex 5 - Draft revision of "ACM0003: Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture" (1597 KB)
Annex 6 - Draft revision of "ACM0012: GHG emission reductions from waste energy recovery projects" (2886 KB)
Annex 7 - Draft revision of "ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas" (1346 KB)
Annex 8 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0008: Abatement of methane from coal mines" (1437 KB)
Annex 9 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0014: Treatment of wastewater" (1444 KB)
Annex 10 - Information note on "Project activities located at the same site as CDM project activities whose crediting period expired" (90 KB)
Meth Panel Meeting :
Date : 19- 22 August 2013
Annotated agenda
(175 KB)
(12 KB)
Meeting Report (ver 01.1) (229 KB)
Conflict of Interest Overview
(14 KB)
Annex 1 - ACM00XX: Introduction of an efficiency improvement technology in a boiler
Annex 2 - AM00XX: Less carbon intensive power generation through continuous reductive distillation of waste
Annex 3 - Draft new methodological tool "Project emissions from cultivation of biomass"
Annex 4 - Information note: Approaches to demonstrating additionality of publicly funded BRTs in AM0031
Annex 5 - Draft revision of "AM0031: Bus rapid transit projects"
Annex 6 - Draft revision of "ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas"
Annex 7 - Draft revision of "ACM0002: Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources"
Annex 8 - Draft revision of "ACM0010: Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions from manure management systems"
Annex 9 - Draft revision of "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system"
Annex 10 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "AM0009: Recovery and utilization of gas from oil wells that would otherwise be flared or vented"
Annex 11 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0003: Emissions reduction through partial substitution of fossil fuels with alternative fuels or less carbon intensive fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture"
Annex 12 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0012: Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions from waste energy recovery projects"
Annex 13 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "AM0091: Energy efficiency technologies and fuel switching in new buildings" (2385 KB)
Annex 14 - Call for public input on the draft new methodology of "AM00XX: Distribution of efficient light bulbs to households"
Annex 15 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "AM0086: Installation of zero energy water purifier for safe drinking water application"
Annex 16 - Information note: Questions for public inputs in relation to the top-down revision of "ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas" and "ACM0022: Alternative waste treatment processes"
Annex 17 - Information note: Issues related to the "Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis"
Meth Panel Meeting :
Date : 22- 26 April 2013
(67 KB)
Annotated agenda
(126 KB)
Meeting Report
(234 KB)
Annex 1 - Call for public input on the draft tool: "Project emissions from cultivation of biomass"
(1179 KB)
Annex 2 - Draft revision of "AM0028: N2O destruction in the tail gas of Nitric Acid or Caprolactam Production Plants"
(1658 KB)
Annex 3 - Draft revision of "ACM0019: N2O abatement from nitric acid production"
(1326 KB)
Annex 4 - Information note on nitric acid methodologies
(165 KB)
Annex 5 - Proposed draft revision of "AM0072: Fossil Fuel Displacement by Geothermal Resources for Space Heating"
(1448 KB)
Annex 6 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "AM0009: Recovery and utilization of gas from oil wells that would otherwise be flared or vented"
(1140 KB)
Annex 7 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas"
(1246 KB)
Annex 8 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0002: Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources"
(1224 KB)
Annex 9 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0010: Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions from manure management systems"
(1687 KB)
Annex 10 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0014: Treatment of wastewater"
(1390 KB)
Annex 11 - Call for public input on the draft revision of "ACM0022: Alternative waste treatment processes"
(1930 KB)
Annex 12 - Call for public input on the draft revised tool "Calculate the emission factor for an electricity system"
(1383 KB)
Annex 13 - Draft clarifications related to the "Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis"
(61 KB)
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