Conflict of Interest (EB87)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Arthur Rolle
Balisi Gopolang
Daegyun Oh
Diana Harutyunyan
Eduardo Calvo
Frank Wolke
Hugh Sealy
Joseph Amougou
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez *
Kazunari Kainou
Lambert Schneider
Maosheng Duan *
Martin Enderlin
Muhammad Tariq
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Piotr Dombrowicki
Washington Zhakata
Accreditation cases

E-0050 Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) 


E-0011 Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO )
(Regular surveillance)


E-0024 Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)
(Regular surveillance)


E-0032 LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (LGAI Tech. Center S.A)
(Regular surveillance)


E-0055 URS Verification Private Limited (URS)
(Regular surveillance)


E-0056 Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR)
(Regular surveillance)


E-0058 Foundation for Industrial Development (MASCI)
(Regular surveillance)


E-0009 Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS (BVCH)
(Desk review)


(Desk review)


E-0031 Perry Johnson Registrars Carbon Emissions Services (PJRCES)
(Desk review)


E-0051 KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd (KBS)
(Desk review)


E-0065 CTC (CTC)
(Desk review)


E-0010 SGS United Kingdom Limited (SGS)
(Performance assessment)


E-0003 DNV Climate Change Services AS (DNV)  
(Partial withdrawal of accreditation)


E-0042 Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH (GLC)
(Withdrawal of accreditation)


E-0020 Conestoga Rovers & Associates Limited (CRA)
(Notification of change)


E-0037 RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA)
(Other issues)


E-0063 Northeast Audit Co., Ltd. (NAC)
(Other issues)

Top-down standardized baseline (

Proposed Standardised Baseline: Baseline woody biomass consumption for household cookstoves in Burundi (TSB0003)
Host Party: Burundi
Other Parties: n/a
Developer of the standardized baseline: n/a

Any other item on the agenda of EB 87

In case of a real or perceived conflict of interest relating to any other item on the agenda of EB87, please indicate this here and add the specific agenda item in the comments box.


  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Hugh Sealy: I perceive a conflict of interest with Agenda item 2.2 (Annex 4) which deals with the further development of the RCCs and will not participate in the discussions on this agenda item.