Conflict of Interest (EB117)
Discussion item\Member
Amjad Abdulla
Anna Romanovskaya
Asmau Jibril
Diana Harutyunyan
El Hadji Mbaye Diagne
Frank Wolke
Hyun-Jung Park
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez *
Kiyoshi Komatsu
Lambert Schneider
Moises Alvarez
Natalie Kushko
Olivier Kassi
Omar Alcock
Piotr Dombrowicki  1
Rachid Tahiri
Sirous Vatankhah *
Sonam Tashi
Spencer Thomas
Stella Gama
Agenda item 3.1.: Accreditation cases (CDM-AP meetings page:

E-0005 TÜV SÜD South Asia Private Limited (TÜV SÜD) 
(Re-accreditation and Performance assessment)

E-0006 Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability, Co., Ltd. (DTSUS) 
(Regular surveillance)

E-0009 Bureau Veritas India Pvt. Ltd. (BVI)
(Performance assessment)

(Regular surveillance and Performance assessment)

E-0024 Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)  
(Regular surveillance)

E-0051 KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd (KBS)  
(Regular surveillance)

E-0052 Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd. (Carbon Check)  
(Regular surveillance)

E-0056 Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR)
(Performance assessment)

E-0061 Shenzhen CTI International Certification Co., Ltd (CTI)
(Extension of accreditation term)

E-0066 Earthood Services Private Limited (Earthood)
(Regular surveillance and Performance assessment)

E-0069 4K Earth Science Private Limited (4KES)
(Regular surveillance)

E-0072 PONY Testing International Group Co., Ltd. (Pony Test)
((Initial accreditation assessment)

E-0073 Limited Liability Company Small Innovative Enterprise "NES Profexpert" (NES)
((Initial accreditation assessment)

Agenda item 4.1.: Methodology cases (MP meetings page:

NM0381Emission reduction by hydrogen production from renewable energy sources
Host Party: China
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Xinxin Hu, Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange Co., Ltd.; Guohua (Chicheng) wind power Co. Ltd. 

REV_TOOL_0005: Inclusion of harmonized IFI default grid emission factors in the ‘TOOL07: Tool to calculate the emission factor of an electric system’ 
Host Party: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Shashi Prakash

SSC-NM107: Emission reduction by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
Host Party: China
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Shanghai Refire Group Ltd.; Climate Bridge (Shanghai) Ltd.; Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange Co., Ltd.; Sinopec Capital Co., Ltd.; Sinopec Sales Co., Ltd.; China Hydrogen Alliance Research Institute; Fuzhou University; QLQW Hydrogen Vehicle operation (Foshan) Co., Ltd.

SSC-826: Revision of AMS-III.R. to provide further clarity on monitoring requirements for biogas digester systems
Host Parties: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Jelte Harnmeijer, Inclusive Energy Ltd.

SSC-833: Request for clarification - Clarification on the application of AMS-III.C. to e-bikes
Host Parties: N/A
Other Parties: N/A
Project participant(s)/proponent(s)/other stakeholder(s): Eric Yan, MOOV Technologies Inc.

Any other item on the agenda of CDM EB 117

In case of a real or perceived conflict of interest relating to any other item on the agenda of CDM EB 117, please indicate this here and add the specific agenda item in the comments box.

  • grey cell - member not present at the meeting
  • * - member has made the conflict of interest declaration to the UNFCCC secretariat
  • X - member declared a conflict of interest
  • number - member made a special statement with regard to conflict of interest (see below)
Special statements:

1. Piotr Dombrowicki: No conflict of interest.