Finalized requests for deviation

In accordance with the current Procedures for requests for deviation a Designated Operation Entity may submit request for deviation regarding a project activity at the validation or verification stage.

Requests for deviation by DOEs and the responses provided by the Board are being made publicly available on this page, unless otherwise decided. The requests for deviations from the monitoring plan have the following code "I-DEV0XXX" and the deviations from an approved methodology have the following code "M-DEV0XXX".

If you are a DOE, please log in if you wish to submit a new request.

Reference of deviation request I/M-DEV
Type of request
Concerned methodology
Reference of project (for requests at verification)

There are 327 matching requests:

Displaying 241-260 of 327

Reference Request for deviation Current Status Last update
I-DEV0163 Deviation from the approved PDD regarding calibration schedule of mass flow meter.
I-DEV0162 Difference between the methodology used for the calculation of emissions from electricity consumption by the project presented in the Monitoring Report and this in the registered PDD/Monitoring Plan
I-DEV0160 Deviation of registered Monitoring Plan No. 1083 and AM0021 Ver01: P_AdOH to be obtained from measured AHS production multiplying the constant ratio of AdOH/AHS.
I-DEV0157 Deviation from Monitoring Plan, final use of sludge.
I-DEV0154 Use of a consistent volumetric basis for calculations of project emissions from Natural Gas.
M-DEV0151 Change in measuring points, methods to identify defective device, and device management.
I-DEV0150 Monitoring deviations from AM0028 version 1 for Omnia Fertilizer Limited N2O reduction project
I-DEV0148 Inclusion of the diesel generator into the monitoring plan
I-DEV0144 Request for deviations from the monitoring methodology
I-DEV0143 Deviation from registered Monitoring Plan regarding parameters EFCO2,GAS,y and NCVf,y in order to be in line with applied methodology AM0029, version 1
I-DEV0141 Deviation from registered PDD for indirect measurement of amount of bagasse combusted and net caloric value of bagasse.
I-DEV0140 Electricity consumption calculation for clinkerization and additive transportation from measured parameters
M-DEV0139 Deviation from AM0022v4 by applying an uncertainty factor to the measured Rlagoon to account for increased POME throughput.
I-DEV0138 Deviation from Registered Monitoring Plan rgd. Monitoring frequency
I-DEV0137 Ability to use the most up to date publicly available data when calculating the Build Margin emissions factor ex-post.
I-DEV0134 Monitoring the stack gas flow rate on a daily basis instead of continuous basis due to the unavailability of a continuous flow meter.
I-DEV0131 Deviation regarding additional flow meter should not be installed to monitor the flare flow.
I-DEV0130 Change of data transfer method of the monitoring parameters from electronic download to manual recording in daily check sheets.
I-DEV0129 Direct measurement of quantity of biomass combusted in the project plant
I-DEV0128 Direct measurement of quantity of biomass combusted in the project plant