I-DEV0345: Change of electricity meter not affecting the accuracy of the monitoring of the net flow of electicity.

Reference I-DEV0345
Submitted by TÜV SÜD (23 Sep 2010)
Project activity 840: Pansan Coal Mine Methane Utilisation and Destruction Project
Selected monitoring period 19 Sep 2008 - 21 Oct 2009
Title/subject of deviation Change of electricity meter not affecting the accuracy of the monitoring of the net flow of electicity.
Electricity generaton: From the start of this monitoring period, two net electricity meters temporarily replaced the two bi-directional electricity meters in the Pansan substation to meter the production of the CMM-engines.The reason of replcaemnt is for meters’ routine maintenance.The new electricity meters only record net power supply,while ACM0008(Version 2) requires the separate monitoring of the consumed energy (CONSELEC,PJ ID P5 in section 11.2) and of the produced energy (GENy ID B46 in section 12.4)
The deviation of the measurement of GENy and CONSELEC,PJ only apply to the given monitoring period. During the on-site audit, it was confirmed by the project participants and the audit team that GENy and CONSELEC,PJ have been monitored separately from 21 Oct 2009 onwards, which is in line with the requirement from ACM0008 V02 and the monitoring plan in the registered PDD. The deviation does not lead to any increas of the calculated emission reductions:the volume of emission reductions claimed is not affected by the deviation. Hence no amendment to the registered monitoring plan is required or proposed.
The estimate of the emission reductions for the proposed project is not affected by the deviation. The emission reduction calculation includes generation on one side and consumption on the other; therefore, reductions are calculated from the net flow of electricity multiplied by the grid emission factor. Therefore, the volume of emission reductions claimed is not impacted.
Overall emission reductions are calculated as baseline emission minus project emissions as following (there is no leakage for this project):

ERy = BEy – PEy with
BEy = BEMR + BEUSE and
The only two parameters including an electricity monitoring element are

Hence, regarding the power component, the overall emission reductions will be reduced to
BEUSE – PEME = GENy * CEFELEC - CONSELEC * CEFELEC which can be further reduced to

CEFELEC * (GENy – CONSELEC) with the part in brackets simply indicating the net electricity supply that is monitored as one parameter for the given monitoring period.
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report Link to relevant documentation
Signed form Signed form (751 KB)
Decision This request for deviation has been accepted.

The Chairs have accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the fifth monitoring period, from 19 September 2008 to 21 October 2009.

Current status 07 Dec 2010 - Deviation accepted
Historic statuses 23 Sep 2010 - Submission received
21 Oct 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
02 Nov 2010 - Awaiting DOE input
16 Nov 2010 - Clarifications received
23 Nov 2010 - Awaiting EB decision


1 clarification(s) provided on 16 Nov 2010
Clarification Document (473 KB)