04:09 07 Mar 25
I-DEV0419: Deviation for adjustment of the monitoring and calculation of baseline emissions
Reference | I-DEV0419 | |
Submitted by | BVI (30 May 2011) | |
Project activity | 2859: Houpayan Hydropower Project in Qiubei County Yunnan Province, China | |
Selected monitoring period | 23 Dec 2009 - 31 Jan 2011 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Deviation for adjustment of the monitoring and calculation of baseline emissions | |
Description |
The deviation is for the first monitoring period (23/12/2009 to 31/01/2011) of the registered CDM project(Ref 2859: Houpayan Hydropower Project in Qiubei County Yunnan Province, China).
Description of noncompliance with monitoring plan (MP) As per the registered monitoring plan, one main meter and one backup meter would be installed to measure the parameters EGPJ to Grid ,y and Grid to PJ,y, the net electricity supplied to the grid by the Project is calculated as: EGy=EGPJ to Grid ,y-EG Grid to PJ,y Where: EGy:net electricity supplied to the grid by the Project EGPJ to Grid ,y: electricity exported to the grid by the Project EG Grid to PJ,y: electricity imported from the grid by the Project The noncompliance is about the number of meters and the calculation method for net electricity supplied to the grid by the Project from 23/12/2009 to 25/03/2010 due to sharing the same output line with the other project(bada hydropower project). The project was put into operation before the CDM registration. Two main meters were used for monitoring the baseline emission of the Project from 23/12/2009 to 25/03/2010, which was different from the registered PDD. The actual monitoring system 23/12/2009 to 25/03/2010 is shown in the following grid connection diagram. As per the diagram, the electricity generated by the project is delivered to SCPG through Houxiao Line. M1 was installed at 123 Switch for monitoring the total amount of the exported and imported electricity of the project and bada hydropower project; M2 was installed at 124 Switch for monitoring the exported and imported electricity of Bada Hydropower Project. Both of M1 and M2 are the bidirectional electric energy meters with the accuracy of 0.2S. Solution to the addressed issue The monitored parameters during the period from 23/12/2009 to 25/03/2010 can be defined as: EGTotal,export:electricity exported to the grid by the Project and bada hydropower project EGTotal,import:electricity imported from the grid by the Project and bada hydropower project EGother,export:electricity exported by bada hydropower project EGother,import:electricity imported by bada hydropower project The net electricity supplied to the grid by the Project is calculated as: EGy= (EGTotal,export- EGTotal,import)-(EGother,export- EGother,import) |
Assessment |
As the Project has been connected to the grid via another line since 26/03/2010, the current monitoring system is consistent with the description in the monitoring plan of the registered PDD and the methodology applied. Therefore, a revision of monitoring plan or the changes form the project activity is not necessary for the project activity.
Impact |
With the deviation, Meter M1 and M2 were used as the main meters for the Project instead of one main meter and one backup meter in the registered PDD. The accuracy of the two meters is on the same accuracy level as required in the registered PDD. The net electrcity supplied to the grid was still used for baseline emissions calculation and it is confirmed that the new calculation approach is fully consistent with the applied methodology ACM0002 Version07.
BVC concludes that the deviation would not have impacts on determination of the emission reductions and is the most suitable way to calculate the emission reductions in context of the observed deviation during the on-site visit. |
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | ![]() |
Decision |
![]() The Chairs have accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the first monitoring period, specifically from 23 December 2009 to 25 March 2010. |
Current status | 03 Aug 2011 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
30 May 2011 -
Submission received 27 Jun 2011 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 19 Jul 2011 - Awaiting EB decision |
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