17:11 12 Oct 24
I-DEV0438: Deviation from the registered monitoring plan due to the change on the location of one of the monitoring meters
Reference | I-DEV0438 | |
Submitted by | DNV (08 Sep 2011) | |
Project activity | 3158: Xiannvhu Hydropower Project of Enshi City, Hubei Province | |
Selected monitoring period | 07 May 2010 - 27 Apr 2011 | |
Title/subject of deviation | Deviation from the registered monitoring plan due to the change on the location of one of the monitoring meters | |
Description |
During on-site visit of the first monitoring period the DOE observed that the project’s situation deviated from the provision of the registered monitoring plan.
As the Qinglong 110 kV substation has not been put into operation yet, the electricity has been directly delivered to Xintang substation and the electricity is transformed from 35kV to 110 kV at the Xintang substation. Electricity is delivered via the Qinglong substation but without a boosting transformer, and the meter planned to be installed at Qinglong substation (Meter 1) has not been installed during the 1st monitoring period. As a result, although the main transmission route remains the same with that described in the registered PDD, the meter installed at the input side of Xintang substation (Meter 3) has to temporarily take the place of Meter 1 to serve as the main meter and the data source of emission reductions calculation. Considering the transmission loss from the site of Qinglong substation to Xintang substation, this method is conservative. The detailed information about the deviation is as follows: Monitoring in the registered PDD The Figure 1 indicates the project’s monitoring situation as described in the registered PDD. For the metering purpose, the main Meter 1 is installed at the Qinglong 110kV substation for monitoring EGy and the Meter 2 is installed at high voltage side of Xiannvhu 35kV transformer for backing-up purpose. Meter 1 and Meter 2 are both bidirectional and have the same accuracy class of 0.5S which is according to the specifications in the monitoring plan which requires an accuracy class of 0.5S. [Fig 1 The Situation in the Registered PDD: Reference is made to the diagram in the Annex 1] Monitoring in the first monitoring period As described above, the meter (Meter 3) installed at the input side of Xintang substation has to take the place of Meter 1 as the main meter and the data source of emission reductions calculation. The accuracy of Meter 3 is 0.5S and Meter 2 is 0.2S which were verified during site visit. [Fig 2. The situation in the first Monitoring Period [reference is made to the diagram in the Annex 1] The deviation request is applicable also in the following monitoring period from 28 Apr 2011 to the date on which the Qinglong substation is put into operation |
Assessment |
The deviation does not require a revision of monitoring plan or the changes from the project activity as described in the registered project design document because the situation observed during the on-site visit was an intermediate state and will be certainly changed once the Qinglong substation is put into operation, which is expected to take place by the end of year 2011. After that, the electricity generated by the proposed project will be first transmitted to Qinglong substation for transforming to 110 kV, and then to Xintang substation which is the accessing point to the Grid, and this is consistent with the description in the registered PDD. Therefore, this deviation to the monitoring plan is proposed to cover the first monitoring period and the following monitoring period from 28 April 2011 to the date on which the Qinglong substation is put into operation.
Impact |
As a result of the deviation, the meter installed at the input side of Xintang substation (Meter 3) would take the place of Meter 1 to serve as the main meter and the data source of emission reductions calculation. Considering the transmission loss from the site of Qinglong substation to Xintang substation, this method is conservative. Therefore, the emission reductions claimed during this monitoring period (and also the following monitoring period from 28 April 2011 to the date on which the Qinglong substation is put into operation) are expected to be less than if emission reductions were claimed based on readings from Meter 1.
It is further confirmed that the new calculation approach with the deviation is in line with the applied methodology. |
Annexes | Annex 1 request showing diagrams (158 KB) | |
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | Signed form (2054 KB) | |
Decision |
This request for deviation has been accepted.
The Chair have accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the first (7 May 2010 - 27 April 2011) and subsequent monitoring period till 31 December 2011. |
Current status | 14 Nov 2011 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
08 Sep 2011 -
Submission received 06 Oct 2011 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 28 Oct 2011 - Awaiting EB decision |
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