I-DEV0272: Deviation with respect to accuracy class of electricity meter

Reference I-DEV0272
Submitted by DNV (24 Nov 2009)
Project activity 593: 15.4 MW wind farm at Satara District, Maharashtra.
Selected monitoring period 01 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008
Title/subject of deviation Deviation with respect to accuracy class of electricity meter
The project activity is the implementation of forty four Wind Electricity Generators (WEGs), each of 350kW capacity, thereby aggregating to total installed capacity of 15.4 MW. The parameters to be monitored as per section D.2.1 of the registered PDD are

a) Generation of electricity from the wind farm project
b) Generation of electricity from individual wind turbines.

The registered PDD states that the “electricity output from the project activity (parameter (a)) will be measured with electronic tri-vector meters of accuracy class 0.2% and the meters will be calibrated as per electricity standards”. The parameter (b) of generation of electricity from individual wind turbines is monitored from the meters installed in the windmills.

The request for deviation pertains to the monitoring of the parameter (a). DNV would like to state that, while the PDD mentions that electricity meters of class 0.2 will be installed, in the project activity electricity meters of accuracy class 0.5% have been installed since the inception of the project. Subsequent to the order from Maharastra State electricity regulatory commission ( MSERC) dated 24 November 2003, the meters at the project site are being replaced in a phased manner to accuracy class 0.2% by Maharastra State Electricity distribution company limited (MSEDCL). Out of the three main interface meters, one has been changed to accuracy class 0.2% in September 2007. The other two meters will also be changed in due course of time by MSEDCL. The minutes of the meeting between the windmill developers and the officials of the MSEDCL held on 21 April 2009 indicates that the change over from 0.5% to 0.2% accuracy class meters is being undertaken on phase wise manner. Also, the upkeep and calibration of these meters is under the purview of the MSEDCL, due to which the calibration of the meters is not being done as per the frequency mentioned in the registered PDD, i.e. as per electricity every year. The deviation is with reference to
a) installation of class 0.5 meters, which are being replaced in a phased manner and
b) the frequency of calibration of the meters.

The details on the dates of calibration of individual meters is given in the table below

Details of calibration:
Meter 1 (4038) (14*350) kW: 26 April 2006, 04 July 2007, 16 June 2009
Meter 2 (4064) (15*350) kW: 26 January 2007, 11 September 2007, 16 June 2009
Meter 3 (4237) (15*350) kW: 26 January 2007, 16 June 2009

The calibration of the meters was not done exactly within a span of one year, and there exist gap of some months from the due date of calibration, It was also observed that the meters were working with-in the accuracy limits when they were calibrated on 16 June 2009 by MSEDCL.

DNV seeks approval for the deviation in not adhering to the frequency of monitoring and the accuracy class of the metering equipment mentioned in the registered PDD as they are in the purview of the state electricity board.
The Deviation is with respect to the delay in the frequency of calibrating the meters against the frequency indicated in the registered PDD and delay in changing the accuracy class of the metering equipment and hence does not require a revision in the monitoring plan.
The deviation of the calibration frequency does not impact the calculation of the emission reductions as the meters were observed to be working within the accuracy limits when calibrated after more than one year frequency.
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report Link to relevant documentation
Signed form Signed form (364 KB)
Decision This request for deviation has been accepted.
Current status 13 Jan 2010 - Deviation accepted
Historic statuses 24 Nov 2009 - Submission received
10 Dec 2009 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
30 Dec 2009 - Awaiting EB decision