19:37 27 Dec 24
I-DEV0332: This deviation is related to the measurement procedures as described in the PDD of the amount of biomass consumed by the project.
Reference | I-DEV0332 | |
Submitted by | DNV (27 Aug 2010) | |
Project activity | 168: BK Energia Itacoatiara Project | |
Selected monitoring period | 01 Jan 2009 - 31 Oct 2009 | |
Title/subject of deviation | This deviation is related to the measurement procedures as described in the PDD of the amount of biomass consumed by the project. | |
Description |
At the project’s site there are two scales used to measure the quantity of biomass used to produce electricity. Whenever biomass residues from outside the project site is used, i.e., biomass residues not produced from operations in the project activity site and not considered for methane avoidance calculation, the total amount of biomass entering the site is measured in the entrance of the plant (scale 2). This biomass is then mixed with the residues produced by “MIL Madeireira Itacoatiara Ltda.” and fed into the boiler. Before entering the boiler the total amount of biomass is measured in the scale installed at the conveyor belt (scale 1).
In this sense, it is not precisely described in the registered PDD, that the biomass supplied by external sources (other sawmills) is measured in the truck scale (scale 2) and that only the combined biomass, sum of the biomass supplied by internal and external sources, is then measured with the scale installed at the conveyor belt (scale 1) before entering the boiler. Thus, even the plant burns biomass from internal and external sources, it is not possible to follow the monitoring plan described in the registered PDD which states that all monitored data is measured twice with different equipments. In the previous years, when there was wood coming from the internal operations of the sawmill as well as from outside sources, the measured value of the biomass that enters the boiler (scale 1) was compared with the biomass residues from outside sources entering the site (scale 2) and the calculated amount of wood residuals coming from the sawmill. This allowed comparing the values of both scales as defined in the monitoring plan. However, during the period from 1 January 2009 trough 31 October 2009, in accordance with the approved methodology used, biomass was monitored only at one calibrated scale, which is the scale at the conveyor belt entering the boiler (scale 1) since no biomass from outside sources was consumed. In this sense, differently from what is stated in the PDD, biomass combusted was not measured twice and a comparison between measurements, additional to the requeriments of the approved methodology, can not be done. |
Assessment |
No revision of the monitoring plan is applicable since the crediting period of this project has already ended. The DOE recommends this issue to be addressed and revised accordingly during the renewal of the crediting period.
Impact |
This deviation does not influence the estimates of the emission reductions. The scale used to measure the biomass entering the boiler was calibrated during the monitored period. Evidence of the calibration was supplied to DOE. Moreover, the results were taken into account when estimating the emission reductions and no deviation from the methodology is required.
Link to the documentation made available at validation stage or monitoring report | Link to relevant documentation | |
Signed form | Signed form (361 KB) | |
Decision |
This request for deviation has been accepted.
The Chair has accepted the proposed request for deviation to the monitoring and reporting process for the monitoring period from 1 January 2009 to 31 October 2009.
Current status | 03 Nov 2010 - Deviation accepted | |
Historic statuses |
27 Aug 2010 -
Submission received 24 Sep 2010 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check 19 Oct 2010 - Awaiting EB decision |
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